A perfect regular season for the Guthrie BlueJay football team may have come to a crashing halt Thursday afternoon.
The Oklahoma Secondary School Activities Association has ruled that a current member of the Guthrie football team has a dual residency issue. Guthrie Public Schools will appeal the decision Friday morning.
If upheld, Guthrie, who is currently ranked No. 1 in Class 5A with an unbeaten 9-0 record, will be forced to forfeit eight of their 9 wins this season and thus – would miss the playoffs.
The OSSAA has not officially sent a letter to Guthrie Public Schools informing them the exact violations, but does lean toward a dual residency.
“The OSSAA has made a decision that we disagree with, and we plan to appeal their decision on the forfeit of the games,” Guthrie Superintendent Terry Simpson said in a phone interview with Guthrie Sports Page Thursday evening.
The appeal will be heard by the OSSAA next Wednesday morning at their regular scheduled meeting at 9:00 a.m.
The OSSAA received an anonymous letter on October 19th that sparked the investigation of the player’s family living in Guthrie, but having a family member living in the previous home, that is for sale and has been on the market for several months, in another Oklahoma town.
The player’s family that is being questioned moved into the Guthrie school district last spring and was signed off by the player’s former high school.
The violation comes from the OSSAA Rule 8-2b(5), which deals with dual residency.
“For the purposes of this Rule, a bona fide move and change of residence shall mean that the student’s parents (or custodial parent or court appointed guardian with legal custody of the student) have moved out of their prior residence and have established a new, full-time residence outside the public school district or other geographic area in which they previously were residing. If the student’s parents (or custodial parent or court appointed guardian) move to a new residence but do not intend to make it their permanent home, the student will not be eligible at any new school unless complete information is presented at a hearing before the Board of Directors and a ruling has been given that a bona fide change of residence has been made. Factors that may be considered include, but are not limited to, whether the original residence has been closed, disposed of, rented or leased on a long-term agreement, whether the family’s personal property has been sold or moved to the new residence, and whether another family member has been allowed to use the original residence. A student whose family maintains multiple residences in circumvention of the requirements of this Rule shall not be eligible at any new school.”
I have never been more heart broken than I am right now. The young men have worked so hard. I hope the OSSAA finds that they were mistaken. I love the Bluejays!!!! I will be thinking of you.
Need to get rid of OSSAA, they are like the NCAA. Coach Watkins is an honorable man and these boys have worked hard. Don’t take it away from them.
Well I don’t have a dog in this fight either way. However in this depressed housing market homes are not selling and in this day in time I would not want to leave a house unoccupied in another town to be trashed, vandalized or stripped of its copper. In the infinite wisdom of the OSSAA some serious investigating needs to be done. Those guys I’m sure have worked their tails off to get to were they are so why punish the whole team for something that both schools signed off on. Hopefully they will mix in a little common sense with their education and investigating and come up with the right decision. Hey think about this, if Guthrie was a private school there would be no problem. I’m just say’in….
I so agree. but doesn’t it say that in their own words about his residence. It’s apparent that he lives in Guthrie, so why the question. From what I have heard is that his parents are divorced and that’s why there are 2 houses in question. Do people not realize that because of divorced parents, that could put alot of players from all across the state possibly ineligible? That is considered dual residence. They just need to use common sense on this matter.
I’m praying all goes well & Guthrie gets to go to the play-offs…They deserve it.
Guthrie sucks.
Well Edmond would be just as pissed if this happened to them!! Get off our page!!
yeah ok buddy …
At Duncan
Won 36-0
At Ponca City
Won 43-7
Won 34-0
At Deer Creek
Won 35-7
Won 56-14
At Noble
Won 60-0
Carl Albert
Won 38-35
At El Reno
Won 35-0
Western Heights
Won 48-0
Your joking right?
1-8 is a terrible record.
and ur a terrible person, buzz off
No we are 9-0 we dont need a title just to say we are champions everyonein this state knows how good we are. Dont get mad because you know deep down that guthrie is better then edmond will ever be
The only loser is quite apparent ….. and it’s you! You are not helping
Edmond’s image, you’re destroying it by your rude and ignorant statements.
This is a ridiculous rule, if the primary residence is in Guthrie then there should be nothing wrong. I grew-up, played sports, and currently live in Edmond. I am never more embarrassed by another Edmond person comments. This will hurt more than just one young man, this team has worked hard and because of some jealous parent sending in a letter the whole team has to suffer. Fight on Guthrie!!!
Growing up in Guthrie I noticed many of the “ath-a-letes” were from other school districts like Crescent or Langston. As I was having learning issues (now known as ADHD) with GHS I attempted to transfer to other schools but was denied. I was told rule are rules, they cant let kids do it…..there is no gray area, if I live in Guthrie ,I goto school in Guthrie. I was passed in my elementary years because the teachers would just hand me (the problem) to the next grade teacher.I decided to drop out in 10th grade as the teachers only seemed to help kids who “understood” the lessons. If there was any REAL teaching involved, like tutoring, I guess the teachers had more important things to do like sleep around, sell drugs, do drugs, let bullies run amok, etc (Joe Kennedy comes to mind). Now 20 years later, in college for my political science major and much more knowledgeable about how adults act, after reviewing this article all I can say is GTFO. Like really?…..This is “new” news? As much as I hate Edmond….it IS better than Guthrie schools. They have always done well in athletics as well as academics. All I heard back in the day was how hard these boys worked, and today I hear the same thing, WTFE. The Guthrie teachers pass these “ath-a-letes” even when they know they do not even know how to add simple polynomial’s. I know this cause I now help a recent HS graduate who is from GHS learn basic Algebra in college. It is expected that people from Guthrie would defend it so vigorously as that is all they have ever known. Their whole world is Division and Noble streets and any criticism towards them is met with malice. Whats important to them is the “ath-a-letes” getting their record rather than the dropout rate or poor attendance. My kids goto Norman Public Schools because the schools north of Waterloo is a waste of their time, and mine.
This isnt about the teachers its about the guys on the team. They work practice and play hard for everything they get. The kid lives in guthrie so there should not be a problem.
So thats what your going with? They worked hard so they should let them have it? So if I get an “F” in Economics on a final, at the same time I play well on the field I should pass? Guthrie logic at its finest. In the end he will “live” in Guthrie, the administrators will see to that so I wouldnt be to worried. I say let them have the record cause 10 years down the road it will not mean squat anyways.
OU, since you didn’t attend Edmond schools, how do you know they were better 20 years ago? I believe Edmond has very good schools, and Guthrie does too. You also admitted you were a behavior problem, but even you know that if you were smart enough, they had to pass you. Behavior is not a reason for failing a student. You were obviously smart enough, or you wouldn’t be in college right now. Schools cannot be held responsible for students who choose to drop out when they are obviously smart enough to be successful academically. You mention one rogue teacher, which does not account for the entire faculty, and you blame the faculty because you dropped out in the 10th grade. If you were smart enough to get to 10th grade, you were smart enough to graduate. And it is obvious you were since you are now in college. You were not a “victim” of Guthrie schools, you had the same opportunity as everyone else, and some graduated and some chose not to. I am sorry your experience 20 years ago was not up to your expectations; however, it is not a reason to bash the current system, or the faculty and students who attend there now.
There is no bashing of students, the current system, or the teachers. Its all in the numbers and personal experience. I dont expect you take the word of some guy making comments on the web, but Im sure if you press me hard enough I could look up the numbers from 20 years ago and today concerning dropout rates, GPA averages, and test scores of Guthrie compared to Edmond. We both know what they would most likely be so I would not set the bar to high.
But HEY!….Forget the scores!..Forget academics!…We have a great football team! Woohoo!
Tonya, I agree!
It is safe to say that Guthrie High School, as well as most of the Guthrie residents, put more emphasis on how well the kids play on the field than their school work, behavior off the field, or abiding by the rules of the school and OSSAA. “They worked hard!”. I wonder if the same rules and favortisim apply to the geeky, skinny, band member who is struggling to keep their grades up. We all know the answer to that though, don’t we?
OU- please change your name. OU is a great place and you are ruining it! Not only is GUTHRIE a great football team they are a GREAT bunch of young men!
Actually, if you lived here, you would know that is not true. We put emphasis on how hard all of our students work to keep up their grades and be successful in extracurricular activities because we are proud of their success. They have worked hard, in school and in sports. Hopefully, this will be resolved soon and they will be able to proceed to the playoffs!
Oh I don’t want to hear the private school stuff. We play by the rules, unlike some big schools that rhyme with BLENKS and reUNION. If a kid joins a private school and doesn’t live in the district they have to sit a year before they can play. Sorry to hear this for those Guthrie boys. This is sad for them. That town is fueled by football. Goodluck to the bluejays and there coach. Hopefully it was just a miscommunication.
made me chuckle lmao
Well this rule in the first place is dumb, the bluejays earned there #1 ranking and should keep it!! And obviously this guy from Edmond is so concerned about the bluejays instead of his own team really shows how good the bluejays r this year because that’s all he can think about!! Go Guthrie!!!
The band members are held to the same standards as football players, I know because I have had children in both activities. I also know that if a student turns in their homework, behaves and passes their tests, they will pass their class and progress to the next grade, even if they haven’t mastered a skill. I got an A in algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry in high school and I still had to take remedial classes in college because not everyone retains everything they learn. Don’t blame Guthrie schools (OU) because you dropped out and chose to go back to school later on. Good job on returning to school, though, I hope other dropouts follow your lead.
As fpr the real issue that should be being discussed, the fact is, this player lives in the district, his mother is a teacher at the high school, and the person who sent the letter “anonymously” was obviously out to cause problems because they weren’t big enough to sign it. That should have been a red flag to the OSSAA. As far as I know, they have not made an official ruling, it’s only being investigated. However, if the coaches are filing an appeal, then it is a big deal. I don’t understand the OSSA or how they pick and choose who is hardship and who is not, but this issue is ridiculous. The student of concern moved here last year, the parents live in the district, and one is a teacher at the high school. Even suggesting there is an issue of residency is ridiculous.
Spoken like a truly bitter drop out. A quitter always tries to justify quitting. Ignore him and just like he has shown in the past he will drop out of your conversations.
Guthrie, I started in Prague and now live in Mustang. I feel for you! I think I know the family in question and I also know they were not pretending. They really are trying to sell their home. It has been on the market and they have been actively trying to sell. I am sure this can be proven and Guthrie should be cleared to play. The OSSAA, according to the agreed upon rules, must hold this hearing in order to ensure an uncontested playoff. When it is reviewed and stated before the board, it should be fairly quick in clearing any wrongful accusations. However they are forced to hold the hearing by the rules agreed upon throughout the organizations. It is sad that there are those out there that become bitter and jealous then resort to trying to hurt others in some sad attempt to feel better themselves. These people do not like who they are and therefore can never be happy or show compassion for others. Responsibility is a harsh master, but it is the only master that can build character. Please take responsibility for your own actions and do not blame others. Event + Response = Outcome….. you control your response to any event, therefore you control the outcome. Any outcome is yours to own. Take responsibility for it.
Actually, my son is dead, but thanks for making an assumption. He son played on the 2007-2008 championship team, he was a starting player, but he was an average student. He was a “star” player and he died in the summer of 2008. I have my name on my post, so you could have checked it out, before you were so rude.
When I worked at GHS, the football players worked hard during the season to stay eligible. I was never pressured to pass a student who struggled academically, and I taught several athletes. Obviously, you have not taught under the current administration or you would know that. I happen to know one young man who blew off grades after football and sat out the first several weeks of football the following year because of it, and he was a starting player, a “star.” I know another student who was a “star” who got kicked out for a semester which made him ineligible because he misbehaved on the bus, and he was passing all his classes. You have no idea of what you are talking about. If a band student is failing, they are also ineligible for competitions. The rules have changed from 20 years ago, and you should stop whining about your failure as a student from 20 years ago and move on. No one forced you to quit school. You could have stuck it out and proved them wrong, but you chose to quit.
For your information, Guthrie has tutoring available for all students, if they choose to use it. They also have programs in the community to help struggling students, if they seek it. When my son, who played football, was struggling in Algebra, he went to school early to get help from the teacher, and it was never a problem. Also, talented musicians get scholarships as well. With the competitiveness of band these days, talent does get you on the (marching) field when your grades are not competitive, just like in football. I know this because I have a son who enters these competitions and is a talented musician. Again, things have changed. You should look get the facts before you post information you know nothing about. And please, don’t move back, we want people who support our schools and children, not people who make up stories about things that do not exist and continue to live in the past from 20 years ago.
You seem very better about your time in this town. There seems to be more to it than just the athletes situation. Anybody with any common sense knows that athletes, especially star athletes are sometimes given extra “assistance/favortism”, but that’s not just in Guthrie, it’s EVERYWHERE! I know it happened in Edmond. My ex-husband graduated from Edmond Memorial 20 years ago, and he admitted to getting such “assistance. Stop kidding yourself, this isn’t a Guthrie problem, it’s nation wide. But believe it or not, athleticism is a talent. Any kids talent should be nurtured, whether that is playing the trombone, playing a sport, writing, photography, etc. Of course we need to make sure they have an education to help them succeed, but taking away a kids talent because he has trouble with algebra is a crime. And the situation with the football team seems more about jealousy than about rules or a kids grades. Please try to have some empathy for these players, this isn’t about you and your situation 20 years ago. Don’t be so quick to kill their dreams of becoming Champions because they’re good at sports.
@ no dog in fight…..Wow. I say you cannot handle criticism and you have proved me right. Your from Prague, live in Mustang, “think” you know who Tonya speaks of, and you automatically assume you know my past history. Then to patronize me in the beginning and middle of your comment, you throw some philosophical advice about life in the end? Does your hypocrisy know no bounds? What I got out of your comment is im a loser, always be a loser, and then some equation you got out of a self-help book.Your ideology is baffling if a little contradictory. You didnt like or disagreed with what I said so you become condescending. Imagine that.
Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things. Winston Churchill
Heres the deal folks…forget about MY past. I only brought that up as a source and backup for typing about things I have experienced personally. The problem happenend in Guthrie….this page im typing on is named “The Guthrie Sports Page”. Bringing to attention this problem of accepting out of town kids to play in a public school to further the gains of the athletic department is what im doing and the favortism that is showed to student athletes vs regular students. Hence the reason I bring up the other problems concerning GHS actionsThe basis and principles I was taught at Guthrie schools is rules are rules. Yet, when there is a disagreement, you deal in absolutes, “It happens everywhere, so what?” or “Its for the kids!”. I am definitely not bitter about my experience in Guthrie. I am wiser now knowing that Guthrie was ill-equipped and had teachers who were unqualified. 20 yrs ago Mrs. Bridenstein’s class at GJH, the room right next to the wood shop for special ed kids proves this point. The reason they were placed there was the school administration wanted minimal interaction with other students. So dont tell me that Guthrie schools has always maintained a standard of excellence and integrity. I have family that go there now, and they bring up issues that are similar to this story. I am a 2nd year graduate student, I have loving wife, kids, and on my way to bigger things. So if I am bitter about my past……then I got it bad. Nuff said.
OU: and I quote, “It would seem that the kid you have in sports is not a “star” quarterback or any other “star” position.” Yes, that was rude, since you could have easily googled my name and found out all you wanted to know about me or my family. I have another “star” student who is wrestling at the college level and another “star” student who is a musician. I do not understand why you continue to be rude and defend your ignorant comments. You are very uninformed and obviously prefer to stay that way. In addition, I am not a teacher in Guthrie, which you could have also easily found out, but you prefer to dig your hole deeper with more uninformed comments that can be easily checked. I defend Guthrie because I live here and I have kids in the school system. I know what goes on, you do not. Not only do you not have kids in the system, you don’t work at the schools and you don’t live in the town. You prefer to live in the past and throw insulting remarks at people and make assumptions while hiding behind a fake name “OU” where you can remain in your “victim” world and live in the past. Your childish and rude comments have no place on this forum, but since you continue to keep posting, you must like being in the “victim” seat with your coward hat firmly attached. Good for you, if that is what you like. I love my community, our schools and I will continue to defend it to ignorant cowards like you.
That sounded great Tonya. Would you have a man repost what you said in the chance I might take it seriously?
By the way Tonya, the quotations was to emphasize the word star, which is pertaining to my earlier suggestion that they are treated differently then regular students. “Yes, that was rude, since you could have easily googled my name and found out all you wanted to know about me or my family.” <~~~~WTF!? Thats called stalking….and wierd. Because I didnt google your name, your family, and I assume your kid was not a "star", Im being rude? I never said you were a teacher…I said you worked there:"When I worked at GHS, the football players worked hard during the season to stay eligible."…because before I type something about someone, I always get a reliable source. That source was you. Then you respond by calling me a coward and among other insults? Im the one who is childish? Do you even proofread what you type? No big surprise you worked for them Tonya. You wear it on your sleeves proudly.<~~~~~Thats called a metaphor.
@ Tonya’s FB pic.This is why I love Landry! Unsportsman like or not, this kid had it coming! <~~~~~~~~~~Perfect example of "Hey its not MY kid being sat on by a bigger kid, its not MY kid being made a fool of in front of their friends and family, so its okay! Woohoo!" Your a joke, and a disease on our society Tonya. Enjoy your life, or making someone elses miserable…you seem to keep that type of company..not to mention pics of it.
OU, I was at that game the kid really did have it coming. He was taking cheap shots at the other players and Landry had enough and sat on the kid. Landry was penalized, and I think anyone who was at the game knows what Tonya was talking about. You really should keep your mouth shut about stuff you don’t know anything about. Tonya does a lot for the kids of Guthrie and is not the kind of person you are trying to make her out to be. Her and her husband have taken in a lot of kids who didn’t have homes and they weren’t even foster kids. The spend a lot of time and personal income on kids that aren’t even theirs. Calling her a disease on society is stupid. How many kids have you taken in lately? Her and her husband volunteer for stuff their kids aren’t even in and they are always helping out at the school and so are their friends. The company they keep, the people you don’t like, are doing more these kids than their own parents some times. You are a joke to call out people you don’t even know. You are a stupid coward like everyone on here says. You talk bad about good people and you won’t even post your name. Tonya is one of the most generous people in our town and all you do is sit behind your computer with a fake name. She’s out helping kids and everyone in our town knows it. You are a joke.
Talk about being similar to Penn State. WOWzers!
Tonya Hollenback is a hypocrite……she claims Christianity with her fake @$$ prayers on her FB page but on another page she spouts insults. Then she, as well as you and her buddies, defend her actions because she is defending her community?(Like Penn State)
ANyone who disagrees with Tonya or makes a statement she doesnt believe in, its OK to forget about Christianity and hurl insults because “shes a good person”. So “CHEAP SHOTS”, thats all you have?
A kid was bullied on a football field in front of his family and friends but it was ok because it was your team that did the bullying and he deserved it. Awesome logic.
Tonya destroyed her own image Bloo, she had no help from me, other than looking at her FB with a bunch of prayers and clicking back over here and seeing a bunch of insults.
Why is it so important to know my real name? So you can harrass me or my family? What would my name mean to you? Why is it SO important for you to know my real name? Do you really think my name is more important then the issue at hand? Rather than stay on the issue you sidestep with insults about me dropping out and ….god knows what else.
You and your friends are no better than the Penn State administration “looking the other way” under the illusion ….(hey you said it)………………”We don’t have “cheaters” at this school. The program is clean and always has been.” Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Thats what they said at Penn State too.
……………………………Your great St. Tonya decided to remove access to her FB profile. This “generous” person must have something to hide. Like how big of a hypocrite she really is and the rest of you are.
BTW, if using my screenname is so bad, why are YOU using one?….Oh its because your a generous person and you dont have to.
Its people like you and Tonya that is making other people turn away from Christianity. One thing I always hear from people who are agnostic or athiest is the amount of hypocrisy that the so-called Christians use. You and Tonya fit that example.
OU, still a coward hiding behind a fake name, keep it up. Hide behind your fake name. Throw insults as everyone and everybody in Guthrie because you are a bitter person. The only reason I mentioned my son was because you said that you bet my son wasn’t a star player. You were wrong. All of my son’s have been star players in their activities, whether it was football, wrestling or the arts. Since I’m not a coward who is afraid to post my name, it would have been simple for you to look me up and find out. Since you finally chose to look it up to see if you could find more reasons to insult me, you kicked yourself with your comments. You stated we have many of the same friends, which you totally insulted in your post, and BTW you could have asked them about me as well. If you would have asked, you would have found out that I am not an attention seeker, but I will defend the community I love without a second thought. I have not played “the Christian card” like you mentioned and I don’t even have to tell people I am a Christian because my words and actions speak for themselves. Apparently, you have a problem with Christians, and I’m sure you have a laundry list of how you have been victimized by them as well, but your posts are getting exhausting, so please spare us the pity party. It’s too bad you don’t have your facts straight about our schools and community and it’s pathetic that you continue to throw insults without posting your name. And yes, I will respond. If nothing else, people who know me will find it amusing that you are posting all these lies about me. They know the truth, so your comments just make you look more ignorant every time you post.
Amazing how you start with namecalling (coward) then say your Christian because your actions speak for themselves in the same breath. Do you even read what you type Tonya? So because you feel I insulted you at the beginning of the post (which I still do not know how NOT clicking on your name is taken as an insult) you really believe your obligated to insult me back? Even after I said I didnt know he had passed away? Apparently your comprehension skills was learned in GHS because not once did I say I was friends with ANY of your friends. I said I knew them personally. My god, your a train wreck arent ya? You took a disagreement and turned it into a debacle. Whats ironic is that because I say that GHS has been doing shady stuff for years, you lose your cool. You justify your reactions with nothing more than slander and insults and claim it was ME the whole time. Tonya, what we type can be reviewed by scolling up. If YOUR friends decide to read this blog( who I pity for being strong enough to tolerate you) they will plainly see it was not me who began with the insults towards anyone. I am displeased with the Guthrie schools and I voiced it. YOU took it further. But what I have not mentioned, because Im savoring the deliciousness, is you dying to know who I am, else you would not be calling me a coward for using a screename. So anyone who goes to a blog, and uses a screen name is a coward. YOU are saying this, not me..”OU, still a coward hiding behind a fake name, keep it up”. I always use a screen name cause I value my privacy. I dont have the self absorbed mentality that shouts “Here I am…look at me!”. You are a petty person Tonya. Your husband must be the strongest man in the world to deal with your….well….whatever is wrong with you. And if I was to keep up what you say im keeping up….what then Tonya? Will you have someone sit on my kids? You are the epitome of how a Christian behaves. Im sure your family is proud of you. OH…and your friends.
I was raised Catholic and attended St Mary’s. I believe Father Henrehan is still the priest there. So to keep it straight, Im a Christian and make SOME attempt to act like one….even in blogs.
OU, I wasn’t name calling, I was just pointing out the obvious. You are a coward. You continue to be childish and post outlandish lies and hide behind a fake name. Again, every time you post, you just look more and more ignorant.
I don’t understand why the player(s) in question was ever allowed to play until the OSSAA signed off on his paperwork. We moved to a new school district this year and are trying to sell our home in the old school district. The new school district administration would not let our son participate in anything until they had received the signed paperwork from OSSAA. This was AFTER the OSSAA sent someone to our old home to ensure we had totally moved out.
If there is a family member still living in the old home, OSSAA should have never ruled the student eligible to play at Guthrie.
I think they need to let the kid in question play tonight! It’s SR night and he should be able to play with his team. If OSSAA rules against Guthrie, it won’t matter anyway, the team will still be out of the playoffs. This is about the team and the hardwork ALL the kids put in this year. Let the player enjoy the rest of his season.
The player in question was cleared to play by the OSSAA before the season started. The reason the that this is happening now is that the OSSAA received information that the family was still living part time in there old town 75 miles away. That is a violation of OSSAA rules. I feel awful for all of the Guthrie players that have worked so hard for a chance at a championship, but rules are rules and you can not make exceptions.
Similiar situation for our family. For this very reason, we were cautioned by the new school administration to never, never, never stay in our old house after the OSSAA ruled our son eligibile.
I grew up in Edmond and went to school there and we had good footballs teams and there has always been a rival between the two schools. But my son went to Guthrie Schools and they are just as good as Edmond and they have good footballs tems also. I don’t know who the tip came from and what the outcome will be, but sounds like someone who Guthrie beat isn’t happy about losing to them and has to make themselves feel better by setting out to get revenge. Hope this all turns out well for Guthrie. I go to their games and enjoy them very much and back them 100%. I agree with the guest comment they should let the player enjoy the rest of his season.
It sounds to me someone doesn’t want their team facing Guthrie in the playoffs. The Sports Animal was just speculating that the timing of this “letter” is suspicious and I have to say I agree.
Just remember folks, Champions aren’t born! There made here in Guthrie!!!!!!!!!!! GO BLUEJAYS
ABSOLUTELY REDICULOUS! Everything goes back to PRAGUE! Bunch of “THUGS, Child Molesters and Tea-Baggers”. Do a search on the media website 4, 5 or 9 and see what goes on in Prague. Vindictive animals that have nothing better to do than to cash their unemployment welfare checks. Jealousy is what it boils down to. The player in question is a great kid with an even better family. The school administrative for Prague is the root of the evil empire that facilitates controversy. Probably the “anonymous letter writer” is the same person that has been known to send threatening letters to parent(s) place of employment and try and get them fired. Maybe a middle school principal or district superintendent who was / is tasked with babysitting a middle school football team that is negligent and allows forcible oral sodemy to occur.
Wow!!! Tea-Bagger is upset. FYI – Prague will be playing in the playoffs. Guthrie will not.
Well, i agree theyre good. but rules are rules. the same thing happend toa kid a few yrs ago at Jones, BTW had to forfiet some games for playing eneligable players, so you have to live with the decisions the coaching staff and administration made in letting this kid play, Dont be mad at the OSSAA, they just enforce the rules. And i heard you were lucky to beat Carl Albert in your own backyard.
That is the most outlandish rule I have ever read. Slap the hands of those that may own two homes, getting divorced but are living apart…. and the list goes on. Tim Tebow’s mom moved so her son could play football. What about military families that still own a home in another state and move here. If you are living and paying the bills in a home within the district it shouldn’t matter what other home you own and who you have living in it.
That is just not right at all you edmond is better team. keep your comments to yourself.
i moved to guthrie several yrs ago and find guthrie to be a great place, no where else have i ever seen a commitment to sports than oklahoma. I belive no matter were you come from in oklahoma you should stand behind all your schools because any decision will effect you all no matter the district. I ve read some crappy comments but first look into your own school for flaws befor rantaing about others i think we are all in this togeather folks so befor you bark and then tealize your a cat think about it. I love guthrie,ou,osu and all football this is a great state and lets stick togeather. I hear the practices and the games i cant make from our house and ya they play to play and be the est just like all footballl teams in ok, I think they should look into there own backyards before makeing a harsh decesion on this, i feel for the senoirs the most who played several yrs to get to this record and championship what a load to lose it all over whos signed off what, shouldnt the coaches and school also be haeld up on this , know your school players and rules im sure they will find a resolve hopefully not a punishmen so im done now like it leave it oklahoma schools rock and lets stick togeather on this!!!
It took longer than I thought it would to get a Tim Tebow reference!!!! The rules are in place for a reason. To bad for Guthrie. No title coming this year.
One more thing. I think that the administration at Guthrie had to know something was going on. The player in question was held out of last weeks game
He was held out of the game because the coaches had become aware of the letter and the investigation which is why he didnt play
Guthrie fan. I figured that the Guthrie admin had to know something. I’m truly heartbroken for all of the Guthrie players. This situation is sooooooo sad. The parents got mad because the Prague coach was fired and decided to “move”. Now because of their actions Guthrie will be setting at home for the playoffs. And if I looked at the district standings, his former school will be playing Kingfisher in round 1.
we are hoping and praying for an overturn. Its not right for this to happen to these players. and how is it okay for his mom to teach at this school but not for him to play? If he was cleared to play at the beginning of the season why do this now? I would like to know who sent it and what their reasonings are for sending this letter now and not at the beginning of the season. My brother plays for guthrie and it crushes me to see how hard all of these hard working players are taking this. some of these kids have played their whole lives just for a chance at this and now because of a jealous parent it has to be ripped from them?
Guthrie fan, it might not be right for it to happen to the players, but blame the family.
Why do this now? Because now it’s clear that the situation is not what was presented to the OSSAA when he “moved.” If the facts that are known now were honestly presented then, he wouldnt have been cleared.
I don’t see any way that the OSSAA can overturn this. If they do it would open up a can of worms that they could never close. Its not fair to the Guthrie kids but that’s life. It’s not fair to all the other kids that Guthrie beat up on this year while using an illegible player. I would hope that the Simeks would be at the appeal on Wednesday and admit their guilt and ask the board not to punish all the players at Guthrie. I hope they would ask that their son set out and not be involved with the program throughout the playoffs
@OU Does your argument about poor education and unfair treatment have anything to do with the issue at hand? It is clear that you, after 20 years, are still bitter about your high school experience but I am having trouble understanding how that pertains to a student and team being unfairly punished for nothing more than a matter of a horrible economy, and even worse housing market. In all of your grand intelligence and maturity, shouldn’t you be over something that happened such a long time ago? I have some Vagisil you can rub on your wounds if that means you will give up your horribly unorganized and off the wall argument. Why are you, in your infinite wisdom, even taking the time to post on something that has nothing to do with you or anything that you might be interested in? You have turned the real issue completely around and ended up bashing an absolutely wonderful woman and a young man who I am lucky to have had in my life and whose name was given to my son in hopes of honoring Tyler. His death turned my world upside down, as well as the rest of our community’s. How dare you suggest that his mother, still suffering every minute of every day from his unexpected and sudden passing, be putting herself on some sort of pedestal or grasping for attention because she suggested that you look her up?! She was merely pointing out the fact that it is very simple for you to find information on someone and that if you had taken the time, you would have seen the stories on her son and possibly not brought him up in the way that you did. Tonya Nichols is a strong woman of God, one of the biggest hearted people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting, and a woman who would absolutely NEVER put herself above others or feed off of attention from anything, especially the passing of her own flesh and blood. As you can see, I have signed my name to what I have written. It seems extremely cowardly of you to hide behind an alias while throwing around your unnecessary arguments. I hope that the responses you have gotten have filled whatever void that made you start such a mess.
PS- I received my education through Guthrie Public Schools and Oklahoma State (I’m sure you hate that school as well, considering your code name) so apparently I’m nothing more than a dumbass in your eyes, but one thing I was taught is that ‘s signifies possession of something and is not necessary when making a word plural, as you did in some of your posts. English may not be my strong point but maybe you are the one who could use a little tutoring. Just a suggestion.
hayley i couldnt of said it better myself!
LMAO. This is to good to pass up. If I make a typo….please pardon me, I thought it was a comment board, not a mid-term exam. Ive made all kinds of mistakes in writing my comments by starting sentences with prepositions. But<~~LOL….its a comment board! Comprehension is the key here Haley…..c..o..m…p…r…e…h…e…n..s…i..o..n It might take you a few times to reread what I said, but youll get it. I understand your defending your friend, but your acutally agreeing with someone who is jolted because I didnt click her name. I dont just start clicking on web pages because of pop-ups, malware…ya know…viruses. You, Tonya believe it is unfair how the players were received. Well consider this, seriously take a moment to really think this through w/o being blinded by anger.
You said "@OU Does your argument about poor education and unfair treatment have anything to do with the issue at hand?"
Then you stated "how that pertains to a student and team being unfairly punished for nothing more than a matter of a horrible economy"
There is a word that comes up twice…unfair.
One "unfair" is meant towards me with no empathy whatsoever that concerns my experience. Only disdain and the innuendo that im a vagina with two legs and a head.
The second "unfair" is directed to the football players, albeit full of empathy, for the experience THEY are having to endure.
Believe it or not Im on your side. Its not the children's'<~~~keep it safe.lol….fault. Its not even the teams fault. Its the administrators fault. They knew about this infraction and they did nothing. They were thinking that they wouldnt get caught and even if they did, so what, they will still have their jobs. They werent thinking about the kids Haley, only their own image of creating a great football team w/ no regard to the players.Im sure they will say and people will believe them when they say "we had no idea". Let me ask you this…is ignorance an excuse if a rule is broken? My "unfair" experience was on one spectrum of the administrative branch. The "unfair" experience that the team is going through is on the other side. In reality, its all the same. Thats what Im getting at, dont blame the anonymous letter writer, blame the administrators for ALLOWING this to happen. If Tonya was to write a letter about a kid in another district to OSSAA over the same thing and it got the BJ"s in the final's because of it,what then?
The admins WANT you to be mad at OSSAA. They want you to be mad at the anonymous letter writer. Thats why these public administrators are ponting the finger somewhere else. Thats why they are good at what they do. Im SURE they will file an appeal. It looks good dont it? Knowing that the administrators are sticking up for those “unfairly” punished kids. Time to wake up people. Do you really think “shady deals” are done everywhere but Guthrie? Cast stones all you want at me, OSSAA, or the letter writer. A shady deal took effect, almost came to fruition, and it blew up in their face. If they really thought they did or was doing nothing wrong after hearing of the letter, why have him sit out? Maybe if someone dug a little deeper they might find something.
Bahaha ok. You’re right. I’m wrong. You’re the winner. I give up on this petty little argument. You obviously have no idea what the real story is and you aren’t worth anymore of my time. Ta Ta!
OU, enough already. Please do not reply.
all we can do is pray for a better out come from this.
WOW!!!!! Some of you should be ashamed of yourselves. I have been around 5 year olds that act with more human kindness then you. This is not about schools floating players. I agree it is wrong, though sadly it happens EVERYWHERE. If this kid was cleared to play at the start of the season then the admin and coaches thouhgt he was cleared. This is about a group of kids that have worked hard all season and deserve better. Regardless of the outcome I am proud of ALL the players and coaches and once again saddened by todays society!!!
Really? You are too much of a coward to back that up, you won’t even post your name.
(sigh)I guess Im a coward then Tonya. Happy?
the rule wasnt so dumb when it happened to jenks.. rules are rules people.. they are there for a reason.
Nobody cares about comparing scores from 20 years ago. No one cares about the perspectives of a high school dropout.
Um…yeah….why compare scores from 20 years go with scores of today? To see if a school system has improved? To see if a different cirriculum need to be instilled? Your right Tonya! It would be just stupid to do that cause WE DONT CARE! O’ Doyle rules!
OU…..20 years ago we didn’t have to take the classes they take now….What are those comparables. I’d like to know. I’m a drop out that has never gone back to school. If you had to do it now, 20 years later I don’t think you would’ve made it out of Junior High.
Your absolutely right Doodle. Guthrie didn’t HAVE to. They chose NOT to. It is a shame that in your post you ridiculed yourself as well as trying on me, even though I am currently in school. Doodle…..your that kid who stands behind a bully or a popular kid inciting him to hurt/insult a weaker person.
We need to start a radio talk show Tonya….the audience would be captivated by your logic. We would make millions, no…billions.
Just give it a rest. Please.
and dont everybody get their panties in a wad.. i hope it works out for the young man.. im just sayin y’all aint the first ones this has happened to.. and the jenks deal came by the same way… an “anonymous” letter.. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
It’s a shame that an anonymous letter can cause so much trouble. I’m really shocked with all of the things I have read today. Tonya…..I’m very proud of you. You are a wonderful woman and a great wife and momma.
You can`t just say we have worked hard so lets break the rules. I think Guthrie just needs to calm down and make sure that the truth comes out. I would appreciate someone giving an unbiased opinion. Just the facts. Saying things like the OSSAA should not exist is crazy. It would be nice to know the specifics. Rules are in place for a reason. Just because your coach is a good and honorable man does not change the rules. Because in this case he better be a good and honorable man with a keen knowledge of the rules. Good people make mistakes also. P.S.- the Edmond person is punk…….young or old!!!!
I have gone through this when my son was a senior at Jones and my heart breaks for the seniors and their parents. I can tell you now you will not win on appeal.
in the words of justin beiber…….. never say never!
I have heard the letter came from the Prague high school head football coach momma. Shame on you mamma f.
Nice. I am Nicki Rohling (not momma f), the PHS coach’s mom. What you “heard” is not true. I had no part of any letter. Be real and put who you really are “Kyle fred”, give me a call at 567-4392, I’d be glad to chat with you.
WOW. Guarantee you know who did it if you are reading this site. Dang!
Heard Prague hs coach momma sent the letter. Momma f
Also, saying a jealous parent caused this problem is crazy. That person didn`t misunderstand or ignore the rules. Its simple…..if he was illegal then the head coach is responsible …… good man or not!
Learn how to spell the HS Coaches name moron
Hey Momma f how did you spell it on the birth certificate. Should have been loftin
Call me “Bob” at 567-4392………..I’d like to discuss this post with you!
The parents are not divorced. That is public record, check on it. Unfortunately mom was president of quarterback club at previous school where she got angry and quit suddenly in a meeting, thus resigning from her employment at same school as high sch counselor. This led to the family getting in touch w/their long-time friend, Coach Watkins, one thing led to another and next thing you know they buy a house in Guthrie and move. Now…whether or not a rule was violated, I am unsure but it does sound a bit “shady”. Very, very unfortunate to put so many other kids in such a vulnerable position, isnt it?
Has anyone bothered to check and see how wonderful this kid has been playing. Check his stats. Not really any better than anyone else that has played the last 6 years in Guthrie wanting to have a great football season. Not too shady!!
If a parent wants to seek employment elsewhere that is their decision. If they drag their son so be it. You got what you wanted. They are gone. Now you want them back. Good luck on that. Force their hand and they will clean house.
If their was an investigation into the athletic dep., a 3rd party needs to be called in. An internal inverstigation would find nothing wrong or at best a reprimand. The 3rd party would likely find other “discrepancies” that was overlooked in that dep.
Depressing day in Guthrie today. Stay strong boys we’ll get through this in the playoffs or not!!! We’ve won all of our games fairly this year, and we all know we’ve done nothing but play hard to deserve this. All we can do is pray that we will be able to participate in the playoffs and win some more games! Go Blue Jays!
Call me “MOMMA F” at 567-4392………..I’d like to discuss this post with you!
OU I am from Guthrie born and raised here and I AGREE with you. It is a good old boy system here. All about who you know. This family was friends with the coach and he let him play. He did not think about the boys who have lived here there whole life. Just thought about hooking this guy up. So stop it with poor Guthrie. The should have bern smarter than that. They had a kid transfer from Coyle last year and made him sit out a year. He wanted to play basketball. The athletic director is the same for basketball as football. So whats up with that?? Not adding up if you ask me.
As far as school and academics we are on the state list for our reading and math scores this year. We did not pass and had to offer kids the choice to transfer to surrounding districts and nobody would take our kids. That is terrible. Guthrie has gone down hill and the teachets are terrible.
I too have a son with a disorder and dealing with the messed system. Instead of trying to understand his learnkng style and help him learn that want to label him as a bad kid and not teach him.
So with that said OU I feel you 100%!
People need to call a spade a spade. They cheated and got caught. Messed it up for the real bluejay boys. That have been playing since grade school. That is who I am sad for.
Everyone needs to remember that this student is in HIGH SCHOOL. He is not a grown man and did NOT make any of the decisions that are affecting the football team. He is just a kid who wanted to play football, and I don’t understand why people can not just let that go. His small hometown fired their coach and that was among many reasons his parents made the decision to move. There was NO cheating, only allegations made by an anonymous individual (or individuals) to try and ruin the dreams for a smalltown football team. As another Guthrie grad and current Oklahoma State student, I thank Hayley King for being so honest. People who are only interested in the truth do not have to hide behind anonymity.
Excuse me, I thought this thread was about the kids……. not about parents egos!!!! I guess several of you feel better about yourselves after those rants. Maybe you should get off your ego-trains and go comfort some Guthrie players that are suffering and struggling to understand what just happened. Oh yeah!……take a copy of the rule book as a reference.
Cheat is a mean word………but if you don`t follow the rules. Mr./mrs.Longnecker, some word that means couldn`t follow the rules applies. The rules are in black and white. Houses are not selling , good kids , worked hard , coach is a good man , kid just wanted to play football. All excuses……….excuses are like rear ends….everybody has one and they all stink! LESSON: KNOW THE RULES! FOLLOW THEM!
Seeing how these boys went in after all that’s happened and still hold their heads high and come out with an amazing win! Like they always do of course just shows how much it means too them. They did Nothing wrong. And no matter what the outcome is they will ALWAYS be 10-0 . Punishing the whole team for something that isn’t even correct is bs. But we GUTHRIE fans know who the real champions are!(: These boys earned their spot in playoffs! And for anyone too even try and take that away from them is selffish. But that’s okay! The football players and students of guthrie high school still have hope! We don’t give up. Just everyone needs too know guthrie did Nothing wrong clint lives in town! But we GUTHRIE BLUEJAYS run the show and even though were goin through a nightmare WE STILL HOLD OUR HEADS HIGH. 10-0 baby can’t noone take that away. We know who played their hearts out(: and that’s all that matters. Class of 2012 congrats on your last game and BIG win! We got this. Even if the outcome is hard too take we will never stop
Looks like even the kids in Guthrie need to learn to play by the rules. It’s a hard lesson but when winning takes precidence over doing the right thing I think it’s a lesson well given. Best of luck next year. No more cheating now.
Don’t think the kids had a clue. When you have your paperwork signed to go ahead and play…..Where does the cheating come to play? I have learned there are alot of hateful, awful people in this world. Talk about hard lesson learned. It has been a little heart breaking.
The cheating comes into play when the parents fudge on the residency requirements in order for their son to play at a different school than he is supposed to. I’m not saying that the kids cheated….I’m saying that the kids learned a valuable lesson in cheating and honesty. Sometimes you get caught…..and when you do….you pay the consequences. The parents and the school put the kids in this spot. I feel sorry for the boys…..but they only have the parents of the transfer and the school to blame.
We have too keep our grades up too even play sports. This isn’t even about school its about football. Our boys don’t deserve this. So before you bash on guthrie bring your snobby edmond ass down here nd see how we actually do things. Were all ONE big family and we all stil together even if we don’t like someone. When someones in need were there! So fuck off your makin edmond look just how it appears. You keep your nose in edmond and well keep our here! And dont hate cause were undefeated in football! Just shows we play too prove our point and not just the win! We play with our hearts. So gtf off guthries page cause clearly you don’t know anything about us!
Cheat? Lol you must be mistakin! Guthrie doesn’t have too cheat too win. HELLO its called a heart that’s what they play with. Your pathetic. Bashin on guthrie doesn’t make you look cool! That’s my hometown your talkin crap on. So you needa watch it. We did NOTHING wrong.
dear ou:
I know who you are! I traced your ip address I can do that I can find you! I’ve got you pegged!
just wanted you to know
Dear yesiknow,
Oh no! :O………..Im sitting at a coffee shop near campus! Now you know where I drink my coffee! When you find me, what will you do? Start an argument in front of bewildered students who will be asking “Is Guthrie even a town?”………….LMAo @ I got you pegged.
Stay Strong Blue Jays!!
And it doesn’t take a lot to figure out who you are either, Cody.
Not cody. This is yes I know by the way. If you run it again u will get a different location. So guess again.
U get them q mark. Hahaha!
So the kid had two homes, whoopty do!! Isn’t there people robbing other people or someone selling crack that we could be worrying about!! Instead we pick on some kid because he moved away from his crappy school to attend a good football team. Give me a break. Not like they gave him 50,000$ in a Guthrie colored gym bag w/his name on it!! Now the playoffs will be done around new years eve!! Way to go OSSAA….you suck!! I need to be the president of the OSSAA, get Crap done like a man.
OU-go cry a lil more why don’t you?!? Geeze-o-peeze. No wonder you have a “hard” life, your a complainer. Do you need a hug?! I’m sure tonya will give you one, she’s your biggest fan lol lol
You’re right! We should just do away with the residency rules and let the chips fall where they may. More affluent High Schools that can pay for the best equipment and best staff should be able to recuit the best players….regardless of where they live. I agree, you DO need to be the president of the OSSAA. Your first act should be to get rid of all those pesky rules…or maybe you can just alter the rules as you go to benefit the teams you like? You call out OU for being a whiner…..but it seems like you and a few others could use the cheese a bit more than him for all that whine you are doing about feeling like you don’t have to follow the rules like everybody else.
Oh big Ben… I wouldn’t get caught.
As I said before, its ok to break the rules as long as there is a majority that say its “OK”, “They worked hard””The faculty said they didnt know, so they HAVE to be telling the truth!”or what you said…..”Not like they gave him 50,000$ in a Guthrie colored gym bag w/his name on it!!”
You become bitter when I criticized GHS admin., but its ok for you to bash other “crappy” schools.(see above).
Guthrie…still the conservative, shallow, pompous, holier than thou town it was 20 years ago. You people posting make Guthrie look bad. You claim integrity, Christian, hometown values, yet the hypocrisy you instill in the kids is thick enough to drink.
Its ok to break the rules if if you have enough people on your side.
Its ok to hurl insults at people because they disagree with your way of thinking, because your always right and you have people on your side.
I personally sent an email stating the obvious truth about how the faculty has been doing shady deals for years and that as a past student of GHS I applaud their decision. In that email I sent a message, and a link, concerning the above comments, how you awesome Christian people feel about, and what YOU think should happen. Im sure they will love to see these comments:
Need to get rid of OSSAA, they are like the NCAA.
In the infinite wisdom of the OSSAA some serious investigating needs to be done.
Well this rule in the first place is dumb, the bluejays earned there #1 ranking and should keep it!!
I don’t understand the OSSA or how they pick and choose who is hardship and who is not, but this issue is ridiculous.(<~~~~if you dont know the rules how do you know its ridiculous?)
Way to go OSSAA….you suck!!
I need to be the president of the OSSAA, get Crap done like a man.
Oh big Ben… I wouldn’t get caught.
I know!! They need to be very very sneaky (voIce of the butler off of Mr.Deeds) next time. Then they wouldn’t be in this predicament!!
You supporters did a great job with your comments. The logic and reasoning you display can only be measured by the Gods. You are an inspiration to all the kids in Guthrie. Remember, stick together no matter what trouble or RULES lie ahead, cause you all will break them for the sake of the children. Wow.
OU~~~~~> stupid. Don’t you look like a fool, but it does’t matter because in the e-mail you sent, you probably didn’t put your name on it anyways so they won’t take anything you send seriously. OSSAA made a fair ruling and you look so dumb now! “I personally sent an email stating the obvious truth about how the faculty has been doing shady deals for years and that as a past student of GHS I applaud their decision” did you tell them your a drop out too? Did you actually put what the shady deals were? As a drop out, how do you even know? You didn’t even stay in school so I doubt that you knew what administration was doing unless they were kicking you out because you were always in trouble, like you said. You don’t even know how dumb you sound. GHS has always run a clean program and has never been in trouble. You are dumb.
@ Bloo…..How ironic that they way you defend the athletic department making shady deals…..is the SAME as them rioters at Penn State defending their coach over sexual abuse. Even though they KNOW there was a child rape….it doesnt matter. Football is more important to you people then ethics or values. If you read my prevous post you would understand I tried to transfer to another school when they allowed kids from langston, edmond, even north okc to goto Guthrie schools. But they told me I couldnt. When I brought up the kids name, I was told that was none of my business.
If you had ANY clue as to why I dropped out….you would be the one feeling stupid.
You people defending the administration are no better than the people who defended Joe Paterno and Sandusky. You and them are from the same mold. Football is more important than integrity.
That’s what the coach and the school thought too. That didn’t pan out how they thought it would did it?
I know!! They need to be very very sneaky (voIce of the butler off of Mr.Deeds) next time. Then they wouldn’t be in this predicament!!
No ou I traced ur ip adress to ur home so just back off I’m not going to do anything. Because I’m not a child. Like u. Just back off!
@question mark The reasoning behind you supposedly getting my address makes no sense. You say your not a child but make outlandish statements concerning my ip address. Im confused. Im supposed to back off…..and YOU are the one looking up my ip address?WTF?
Hey q mark. Y don’t u do what u did to that other guy. Just post his name credit card info and home address online. That would be funny. Hey if its on the internet its public info right. Lol
@anonymous Its refreshing to see there are still people like you that support turds like question mark. Like the kid who cheers for the bully picking on another kid.
OU~~~~~~~> you are the bully. They are standing up to the bully and you don’t like it. Why is it refreshing? Is that a weak attempt at sarcasm that miserably failed? You are a joke.
@ Bloo…..They are standing up to me?….Im the bully? Because I say the administration is at fault? They are allowed to hurl insults because I agree with the OSSAA? You and the rest of these people are no better than the students at Penn State. Forget about kids being raped….forget about the other kids who are struggling….its about football, and by god even if the coaches did make a shady deal……its ok because its……..FOOTBALL!
Guthrie will graduate around 200 hundred kids this year, and probably 50 of them play sports its amazing how in the world the other 150 graduate. Also you think a parent, and a college student of your calibear wouldn’t be on a blog that has nothing to do with you. Maybe your still not very good at time managment, and I could probably guess that was your problem in high school.
Ben, no one cheated. I am sure everyone has learned a lesson from this and the lesson was to make sure all the proper documentation has been filed. It was an oversight and to call it cheating is just wrong. We don’t have “cheaters” at this school. The program is clean and always has been. Get over yourself.
@ Bloo….You are as naive as the other posts. You just KNOW they didnt cheat. You just KNOW it was an oversight. There are NO cheaters at your school? The program is clean and always has been?…………..LMFAooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Wow. So basically all of this was just an oversight because the majority opinion is they can do no wrong.
Like I said on your earlier posts…..this is eerily similar to the Penn State debacle with people like you denying anything has happenend or is happening.
I bet if you did have my real name that wanna be cop Devereaux would try anything under the sun to get me in cuffs. Wasnt he the one who arrested that kid for having sex with his daughter? It takes two to make babies but his “precious” would never do that! Never! Lets forget his daughter was whoring herself, lets lockup the guy for being……a guy! When I seen him as a friend of Tonya’s a few minutes ago….it all came together.
Lets forget about the wrongs that WE do…..let us concentrate on the wrongs others do.
Guthrie logic at its finest.