Sallee, Watts sworn in; school board votes in officers

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The Guthrie Public Schools Board of Education held a special meeting Tuesday evening, where two new board members took office.

Travis Sallee and Sharon Watts took their newly elected seats after being sworn in by Kay Gammill.

The first action of the board was to assign new officers.

The seven member board voted unanimously Jody Walker as the President, Tom Holtz as 1st Vice President, Gail Davis as 2nd Vice President and Orville Cornelius as Board Clerk.

Janna Pierson was set to take the Deputy Clerk position, but Watts volunteered Sallee’s name for the position. The board voted with Pierson receiving five of the seven votes to take the position.

The board then went into executive session for the purpose of discussing applicants for the position of Superintendent.


1 Comment on "Sallee, Watts sworn in; school board votes in officers"

  1. Looks like “business as usual” at the BOE may be coming to a screeching halt. Thank goodness!

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