Sheriff’s Office helps church put plan into place for threats

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The Logan County Sheriff’s Office was recently contacted by Pastor David Nelson of Liberty Church, located on 2807 E. Industrial, and was interested in information on how to better prepare and protect the facility and congregation from threats such … as an active shooter and child abduction situations. The department performed a threat assessment on the facility looking at the structure, processes, and functions of the church.
Sheriff's Command CenterThe Sheriff’s Department Sergeant Hynd and Captain Stephens spoke to the congregation during the weekly service and presented the findings from the threat assessment, and presented solutions and options to increase awareness and protection from threats. Sergeant Hynd and Captain Stephens fielded numerous insightful questions and were able to converse with the members of the congregation.
If your church, business group, neighborhood association, or even a single family have questions about physical security or ways to reduce the risk of falling victim to crime, call the Logan County Sheriff’s Office at and speak to Sergeant Hynd or Captain Stephens. The department will make arrangements to speak with groups of any size large or small.
The Logan County Sheriff’s Office can be contacted by phone at (405) 282-4100 or emial Captain Stephens at [email protected] or Sergeant Hynd at [email protected].


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