Students decorate and show off pumpkin characters

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Three judges had the daunting task of somehow finding a winner in the Pumpkin Storybook Character contest at Central Elementary. In the process, first grade students learned about fall and pumpkins.

Students show off their pumpkins and await the big donut party on Friday.

Students show off their pumpkins and await the big donut party on Friday.

Students in Lesley Cotton and Jessica Owens’ classes decorated pumpkins to look like a storybook character. There were just two rules: students had to be able to carry the pumpkin and it could not be carved.

In the end, Micah Feiedmansky from Mrs. Cotton’s class took top prize while Morgan Street came away as the top pumpkin in Mrs. Owens class. Micah elected to go with Lightening McQueen and Morgan went with Chicken Little.

Both winners won a Halloween goodie basket and book. However, everyone will celebrate on Friday with a donut party.

The panel of judges from the building and community included Jane and Rodney Stewart and Gary Dickerson.


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