A grant from the Department of Wildlife will now give lake goers at Liberty Lake a much easier time handling their watercrafts with the installation of a new boat dock.
The new dock was recently installed in the northeast corner of the lake near the boat ramp.
“With an increase in patrons at the lake in the past year, we wanted to provide a safe location for individuals to enjoy our beautiful lake,” City Manager Sereniah Breland said.
Lake Patrol Officer Anthony Gibbs said the City of Guthrie’s street and parks crews graded the area, laid down the gravel and poured the asphalt so that people will have a safe and secure way to the dock.
Gibbs said a handicap parking spot was also made available.
The metal portion of the dock was constructed off site and brought to the lake. A company came in to finalize the project by setting the dock.
“We hope that many people take advantage of the recent upgrades at Liberty Lake,” Breland concluded with.
The boat dock is looking solid.