City officials celebrate completion of COVID Response Project with new HVAC systems and window replacements

The Guthrie City Council, during their Tuesday night meeting, announced the successful completion of a significant grant-funded project aimed at improving city-owned buildings.

The project, with a total cost of $372,345.72, has enhanced seven city buildings with new HVAC systems and upgraded windows in five of those buildings.

The grant funding was through the Community Development Block Grant’s Covid Response grant.

The buildings benefiting from these improvements include Highland Hall, the Community Center (also known as the Girl Scouts building), the Guthrie Public Library, the cemetery building, Guthrie Public Works, the Guthrie Fire Department, and the Water Treatment Plant.

The upgraded HVAC systems and window replacements were designed to provide better comfort and energy efficiency for both citizens and employees.

Millie Vance, who played a key role in overseeing the grant process, emphasized the dual benefits of the improvements, stating that the funding aimed to enhance the experience for citizens visiting the buildings as well as for the employees working within them.

Mayor Steve Gentling expressed his gratitude, saying, “Thank you, Millie, for all the hard work you have done.”

The council unanimously passed the resolution, marking the successful completion of the project.


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