Adam Ropp wins city council seat; stipend for council members fails

Less than 400 registered voters elected Adam Ropp to the Guthrie City Council Ward 1 seat, and just over 300 voters cast their ballot against the city council receiving a monthly stipend.

Ropp collected 296 votes (77.89%) compared to his opponent Kaley Mills’ 84 votes (22.11%).

He will take over the seat from Councilman James Long who did not seek re-election.

The Logan County Election Board will certify the vote on Friday.

Precinct 307, located at First Christian Church, provided 96.8% of the voter turnout for the Ward 1 race. In the three other precincts, only 12 voters cast a ballot for the council candidates.

Ropp will be sworn into office and seated at the May 2 council meeting.

In a much closer vote, citizens voted against council members receiving a $300 monthly stipend for each of the seven members.

308 no votes (52.47%) out-edged the 279 yes votes.

Currently, members are paid $1 per year.

The last time a similar proposition was offered to voters came in the late 1990s. At that time, the council was seeking $50 per month compensation but failed.


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