Alcohol beverage tax continues to rise for Logan County

Logan County continues to see a rise in the Alcoholic Beverage Tax For Cities and Towns. The latest numbers show more than a 70 percent increase in the month of February.

For the month of February, Logan County collected $22,227.98 and is an increase of 74 percent compared to the same month ($12,769.54) a year ago.

In January, Logan County saw an increase of 30 percent compared to the same month last year ($21,722.46 to $16,632.63).

Beginning October 2018, grocery and convenience stores began selling wine and cold, strong beer. The change came after legislation and voters’ approval of a state question.

In the four months previous to the new law, Logan County collected $48,890.01 from the tax. With the new law, the County has drawn in $86,755.29 over the last four months. An increase of 77 percent.

December 2018 has proven to be the largest allocation brought in by the county at $28,102.08.

Here is the breakdown of the allocation of the Alcoholic Beverage Tax for Logan County in February 2019.

Guthrie $15,334.78
Crescent $2,123.18
Mulhall $338.57
Coyle $489.04
Marshall $409.29
Langston $2,594.16
Meridian $57.18
Orlando $222.71
Cedar Valley $433.36
Cimarron $225.71


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