The American Legion LeBron Post 58 held their regular monthly meeting and swearing in of their Executive Officers for the year ahead. Albert Hawkes, a former Commander of the Post, performed the ceremony.

The new officers are (l-r) Greg Price, Adjutant; Lavern Kisner, Chaplain; Greg Rupert, 2nd Vice; Dave Wolek, 1st Vice; and Commander LeRoy Barnes.
The goal of the newly elected Officers is to continue to provide a support network for past and present serving Veterans and their families. The event took place on Aug. 18.
Every Thursday morning at 9:30 a.m. the Post holds a round-table discussion that all Veterans are welcome to attend. The donuts and coffee are fresh and conversations lively and timely. If you are interested in possibly becoming a member please feel free to stop in for coffee on Thursday or any day of the week. The office entrance is located off Cleveland.
The Legion has a very active Young Marines Program. At present there are nine teens involved under the leadership of Commander (Captain) Dan Storm and EXO (Lieutenant) Greg Rupert and Erin Jones is the Financial Officer. The Post is striving to increase the membership with two new young men coming in. If you are a teen between the ages of 8 – 18 you too can join this program. The Young Marines meet every first and third Wednesday of the month at 1830 hours and the last Saturday of the month at 0930.
Every Monday morning the VA State Service Officer is present for any assistance any veteran or family member of a veteran may need.
The American Legion LeBron Post 58 is located at 123 N. First Street in Guthrie. For more information on the Post and its services and activities you can call 405-282-2589 or visit the website at
They will be looking forward to working with the community as a whole as they continue to host the Oklahoma 89ers Days Celebration and weekly entertainment in the form of Bingo. Monies raised from both these activities and the rental of the hall are what fund the programs the Legion provides.
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