Three Guthrie teachers are among the 36 OGE Teacher Grant winners across the company’s service territory in Oklahoma and Arkansas.

Assistant Principal Maranda Wilson, OGE Community Relations Coordinator TenaSlaughter, and grant recipient Carmen Brown.
Carmen Brown of Cotteral Elementary School, and Marsha Todd and Jessica Bryant of Central Elementary School received grants for their projects.
Brown’s project, “Look What’s Hatching,” provides a fully automatic egg-turner incubator, egg candling scope and brooder warming station so students can record their observations of the growth and development of chicks.
Todd’s project, “Hands on Science,” will help students develop scientific reasoning and critical thinking skills by using hands-on science learning centers to observe, classify, experiment and inquire.
Bryant’s project, “Mad About Math,” will allow students to show their understanding of concepts like algebraic reasoning, number sense and operations and measurement by using concrete models and exploration.
OGE Energy has funded more than 280 projects for teachers since launching its Teacher Grant Program in 2003. The program is available to public school teachers from kindergarten through 12th grade. Applications for project grants up to $1,000 are typically available at the beginning of a calendar year for funding the next school year.
OGE Energy is the parent company of Oklahoma Gas and Electric Company (OG&E), which serves more than 786,000 customers in a service territory spanning 30,000 square miles in Oklahoma and western Arkansas, and of OGE Enogex Holdings LLC, a midstream natural gas business with principal operations in Oklahoma.
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