Broadway bridge closed beginning July 23

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By: Mark Sharpton
County Commissioner

Last week, Broadway just north of Camp Road was closed temporarily for a utility relocation. Plains Pipeline moved their underground facility because it was in conflict with the site where a new bridge is scheduled to be built.

Photo By Chris Evans

Asphalt had to be removed to accommodate the relocation, so be aware if you travel Broadway over the weekend, the road surface changes briefly to dirt just north of Camp Road.

The bridge is still scheduled for closure on Monday, July 23 so construction can begin. As mentioned before, according to the contractor, the road could be closed for up to six months. We hope less time will be required, but in the meantime, thank you for your
patience as we work to make this improvement.

The narrow bridge currently in place will be replaced by a wider structure with 12′ lanes and 4′ shoulders. Please be aware that if you use the detour route you will be on unpaved gravel roads which at this time of year and under present drought conditions, are very dusty.
Driving slowly will lessen the dust and improve visibility.

In an effort to make travel for local residents as convenient as possible, we are planning to construct a temporary road just north of Camp which will provide access to Broadway. The current intersection at Camp and Broadway will be closed. We realize using side roads can
be an inconvenience and therefore encourage motorists to choose alternate routes such as I-35 or Hwy 74 when possible.

The Board of County Commissioners and the City of Guthrie recently signed an interlocal agreement allowing the county to temporarily work within city limits on Seward and Academy, which form part of the detour route. We appreciate the willingness of the city to assist in enabling this safety improvement which will benefit all.

If you have questions about this project or other county matters, I will be happy to take your calls at 282.3581.


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