The November 2021 Support and Certified employees of the month for Guthrie Public Schools were recently honored and presented with a plaque and a $25 Sonic gift card from the Lions Club.
Calvin Parker was named the Support Employee of the Month, and Desi Rice was named the Certified Employee of the Month.
Parker was nominated by Tina Ogle, while Susan Whitehead, a school counselor, nominated Rice.
“Mr. Parker has worked very hard to make sure our building (Guthrie Junior High School) is being taken care while Mr. Bohannan has been out on medical leave,” Ogle said her in her nomination letter. “Mr. Parker is diligent about making sure everything gets done in a timely manner with a positive attitude.”
Rice, the media specialist at the Junior High, can be seen each morning welcoming students into the building to start their day.
“She greets them by name and makes them feel welcome,” Whitehead said in her nominating letter. “This is so important, and it often goes unrecognized because Desi makes it look so natural and unforced.”
Rice opens the Library Resource Center each day so that students can come in at lunch to read and host club meetings.
“Desi builds strong relationships with both students and staff. Always positive. Always ready to listen,” Whitehead added.

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