Mercy Hospital Logan County Invites Public to Serenity Patio Blessing Tuesday
GUTHRIE, Okla. – Patients, visitors and co-workers at Mercy Hospital Logan County now have a peaceful place to clear their minds. Thanks to a donation…
GUTHRIE, Okla. – Patients, visitors and co-workers at Mercy Hospital Logan County now have a peaceful place to clear their minds. Thanks to a donation…
The Logan County Health Department is recognizing the work of its administrative professionals during Administrative Professionals Week, April 22-28, 2012.
GUTHRIE, Okla. – Kim Goldman, RN, has been named director of nursing at Mercy Hospital Logan County.
It has been a long road for Mary Beth Davis since that Friday afternoon on August 27, 2010.
The Coyle Elementary SWAT team conducted a Cigarette Butt Pickup on Friday March 30, 2012 from 10:30 AM until 1:30 PM.
Everyone knows if you can engage children in something, the more interest they’re going to have, the more they’re going to learn, the more they’re…
On Wednesday, March 7th SWAT (Students Working Against Tobacco) recruitment was conducted at the Mulhall-Orlando High School. The group was able to recruit 44 students.
In an effort to make eating more fruits and vegetables an attainable goal, Shape Your Future (the Oklahoma Health Improvement Plan Obesity Work Group) and…
A group of about a dozen friends and family members circled the track at Guthrie High School Saturday morning to celebrate Mason Harvey’s big accomplishment….
CRESCENT, Okla. – Kyle Lipke, PA-C, has joined Mercy Clinic Crescent as a physician assistant.
The Logan County Health Department’s Jill Koenig was recently awarded the Julie Bonner Award for excellence as a Children First nurse. This annual statewide award…
By Tori Jones Guthrie News Page The Guthrie Public Library received permission from the Guthrie City Council to partner with Anytime Fitness, Curves, and the YMCA…
Fuel Up to Play 60 activated schools and communities to support school wellness initiatives, good nutrition and physical activity, which help educate students and curb…
On Thursday evening, the Guthrie Junior High SWAT team (Students Working Against Tobacco) along with Jim Ahlgren and Amanda Fortney (Logan County Project S.T.U.N.! (Stop Tobacco…
December 13, 2011 was Students Working Against Tobacco recruitment and the first meeting at Crescent Junior High. SWAT recruited and meet with 40 students.
The City of Guthrie was awarded with the honor of a Certified Healthy Oklahoma Merit Award last week and on Thursday evening held their 2nd Annual…
The City of Guthrie was awarded with the honor of a Certified Healthy Oklahoma Merit Award.
Kyle Lipke, PA-C, has joined Mercy Clinic Crescent as a physician assistant.
This holiday season the perfect gift is at your nearest American Red Cross blood donation center. And, unlike the latest fashion trend, video game or…
With the upcoming holiday travel, the Oklahoma Highway Patrol will be in full force along I-35 and I-40 for the safety of traveling motorists.