
SWAT invades Mulhall-Orlando school

On Wednesday, March 7th SWAT (Students Working Against Tobacco) recruitment was conducted at the Mulhall-Orlando High School. The group was able to recruit 44 students.

Children First nurse given statewide award

The Logan County Health Department’s Jill Koenig was recently awarded the Julie Bonner Award for excellence as a Children First nurse. This annual statewide award…

Cotteral students Fuel Up to Play

Fuel Up to Play 60 activated schools and communities to support school wellness initiatives, good nutrition and physical activity, which help educate students and curb…

Tobacco free parks one step away in Guthrie

On Thursday evening, the Guthrie Junior High SWAT team (Students Working Against Tobacco) along with Jim Ahlgren and Amanda Fortney (Logan County Project S.T.U.N.! (Stop Tobacco…

Guthrie gets fit with 2nd annual expo

The City of Guthrie was awarded with the honor of a Certified Healthy Oklahoma Merit Award last week and on Thursday evening held their 2nd Annual…