I want to give you a few questions you should ask yourself often.
Here we go.
- How am I going about learning to do my work better?
- Who are the people currently around me that are making me better?
- What is my plan to grow personally and in the work I’m currently doing?
- Do I have a system to measure my growth personally and in my work?
- How can I become a better communicator?
Bonus Question: Who can I help this week?
I’m always asking myself these questions and others. Because, I think you go further better by answering and acting on these questions
What are some questions you are asking yourself?
- Chamber Coffee hosted by United Way (more details below)
- Chamber Board Retreat at Meridian Tech October 7th
- Business After Hours at Stables Cafe on October 15th
- Ambassador Committee meeting on October 20th
- Chamber Finance Committee meeting on October 20th
- Chamber Board meeting is on October 22nd
- Downtown Halloween is October 30th from 4p to 6p
- Lunch & Learn on November 17th
We are still signing people up for our communities at communitywins.us. I think it’s true to say that we are BETTER TOGETHER. #CommunityWins
The Chamber Coffee is a great way to network and meet new people. Join us this Wednesday morning at 9:30a hosted by United Way at BancFirst 202 W. Oklahoma Ave, Guthrie, OK 73044.
Farmers Market has wrapped up for 2015. We want to give a shout out to Verla Raine
Your Friend,
Guthrie Chamber
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