Chamber Chat: What are some questions you are asking yourself?

I want to give you a few questions you should ask yourself often. 

Here we go.

  1. How am I going about learning to do my work better?
  2. Who are the people currently around me that are making me better?
  3. What is my plan to grow personally and in the work I’m currently doing?
  4. Do I have a system to measure my growth personally and in my work?
  5. How can I become a better communicator?

Bonus Question: Who can I help this week?

I’m always asking myself these questions and others. Because, I think you go further better by answering and acting on these questions

What are some questions you are asking yourself?


  • Chamber Coffee hosted by United Way (more details below)
  • Chamber Board Retreat at Meridian Tech October 7th
  • Business After Hours at Stables Cafe on October 15th
  • Ambassador Committee meeting on October 20th
  • Chamber Finance Committee meeting on October 20th
  • Chamber Board meeting is on October 22nd
  • Downtown Halloween is October 30th from 4p to 6p
  • Lunch & Learn on November 17th 
If you have any upcoming events you want to share with the community, please do so by CLICKING HERE and clicking the word MORE on the calendar. Our new WEBSITE is up. Go check out GuthrieChamber.Com. If you’re a member, go search for your business on our membership page and let me know if you are not there. Click Here to get there in a “blink of an eye.”
My 3 favorite articles this week worth reading:
  1. You’re Doing Well In Life
  2. Grow A Stand-Out Small Business Brand
  3. 7 Entrepreneurs Who Beat the Odds

We are still signing people up for our communities at I think it’s true to say that we are BETTER TOGETHER. #CommunityWins

The Chamber Coffee is a great way to network and meet new people. Join us this Wednesday morning at 9:30a hosted by United Way at BancFirst 202 W. Oklahoma Ave, Guthrie, OK 73044.

Farmers Market has wrapped up for 2015. We want to give a shout out to Verla Raine

Your Friend,

Guthrie Chamber


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