The Logan County District Attorney’s Office dropped three of the five charges on an Edmond man, who was arrested last June for allegedly participating in a lewd, indecent proposal to a child under 16.
The DA’s Office excused Terry Lee Girton of Edmond of three charges with costs, including proposal to child under 16, violation of computer crimes acts and knowingly engage in conduct reasonably to transfer acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
Girton did plead guilty in late Feb. to unlawful possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia. He was sentenced to a $500 fine, court costs, cost of incarceration, 50 hours of community service.
Girton was accused of traveling to Guthrie looking to meet with whom he thought was a 15-year-old boy, that he reportedly chatted with thru a Craigslist ad by then Lt. Mark Bruning with the Guthrie Police Department. Bruning was terminated on Oct. 21 from the City of Guthrie for unrelated issues.
As Girton was being arrested he alleged to have said, ”I’m HIV positive.”
In court papers, Girton allegedly told investigators, “no I know what I am doing is illegal” and that he was at home “board (bored) and horny”. Along with graphic questions and comments, Girton is said to have sent inappropriate pictures to the alleged 15-year-old boy.
Guthrie News Page reached out to District Attorney Tom Lee through an email on Feb. 25, but have not heard back from his office. Guthrie News Page also reached out to Girton’s attorney, but were not able to reach contact on the case.
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