Christmas with a Cop another success for local children

If you did your shopping inside the Guthrie Wal-Mart Thursday evening you saw some of the biggest smiles from children as shopped with their favorite Guthrie police officer. It was all part of the Christmas with a Cop program.

Each year the Guthrie Police Department collects donations throughout the community to take children shopping to help ensure a happy holiday. Throughout the shopping process, the officers spent time getting to know the children while helping them find that perfect gift.

In total, 61 children were selected to walk up and down the aisles with the help of 14 officers.

Naturally, the children found their favorite items, but many were thoughtful and picked up gifts for their sisters, brothers and parents.

Organizers were quick to thank Debbie Brewer with Wal-Mart, who has helped with the program for several years in a row.

The department takes donations throughout the year. For more, contact the Guthrie Police Department, Oklahoma at (405) 282-3535 or stop by the police station at 306 W. Oklahoma Ave.


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