Last year’s Mission Sunday was such a success that the members of First Christian Church have extended an offer to other churches to help participate with several community wide projects. The event will be this Sunday. People donating using the church giving app help make these projects possible so thank you all!

Members of last year’s FCC Cook Team prepare to break six eggs for a cake mix.
Mission Sunday begins like any other church service, but is cut short and teams break up and are sent out to be the body of Christ.
10 crews will be formed from a yard crew, a church repair crew, a cooking crew and a cleanup crew. Complete list and t-shirt order form.
The cooking team will prepare meals that will be frozen and given out to those in need following surgeries or any other situation a family may face.
Last year over 200 people volunteered with the project.
Everyone will meet at FCC at 11:15 a.m. to begin gathering in groups and for lunch. Each crew will have lunch provided (free) and then launch for various projects!
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