The uniform colors have changed, the faces in the program are new, the playing surface has changed, but Guthrie offensive coordinator Scott Mick cant wait to go back home.

Guthrie Assistant Coach Scott Mick and his son Bryant "Bear" celebrate a BlueJay win at Jelsma Stadium.
The Jays offensive wizard will take his 2nd ranked Jays to his alma mater, Enid, Friday night and take on Class 6A’s 10th ranked Enid Plainsmen. The Jays enter 2-0 while Enid enters with a 1-1 record.
Although, Mick played at D. Bruce Selby Stadium for three years, he will need some assistance and perhaps directions to the visitor’s locker room come Friday night.
“The crazy thing about it is that I do not know where the visitor’s locker room is in that stadium because it will be my first time to be in it,” Mick said.
When the 1995 Enid alum found out who made the Jays schedule in week 3 he had to make a quick call back home to Garfield County.
“When we found out we were going to play Enid, I called my mom and dad and told them they were not going have to drive far in Week 3,” Mick said. “Its one of those deals where you grew up playing there and it will be nice to go back.”
Mick will look across the field, but this time from his perch up in the visitor’s press box sending in plays that will try to take down the opponent that he gave his all too when he wore the than royal colors from 1992-1994.
Mick, who joined the Guthrie coaching staff nine seasons ago, will see some familiar faces from his high school days, including his linebacker and quarterback coaches from the past. One of his Plainsmen teammates is now the offensive coordinator and another teammate is now the defensive line coach.
“They changed pretty well everything including the jersey color from when I was there. Used to be royal (uniform’s) now it is navy, the stadium is still the same with the exception that they just put in that turf so it looks really nice, and they built a locker room facility a year or two after I played,” Mick said.
Ironically, Mick and his ’95 classmates will be celebrating their 15 year class reunion this weekend as if the schedule makers did their homework. “I will get to see some friends and it ought to be fun.”
There will be an added number of the Mick family in the stadium come Friday night, but who will they be cheering for?
“Its one of those deals where they probably root for Enid a little bit during the season, but when the BlueJays show up they will root for the Jays,” Mick said.
Thanks for the great article on Coach Mick. Really enjoyed reading it and the picture of him and Bear was awesome. Thanks again from his biggest fan. His Mom. Kim Mick