Community Garden: Snow helping protect young plants

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The garden is looking real good. It is solid white and smooth and well balanced and manicured so well. That is hard to do! It took a lot of work to make it look that way. Are you buying off on that?

Mark SpradlinThe snow was pretty dry so there is not a lot of moisture in it but as it melts it will still be really good for the soil and the garden beds. The snow was deep enough that it provided some good insulation for the perennial plants that are still growing.

Some of the volunteer winter plants are trying to come up and this warm blanket of snow will protect the young plants and give them a little moisture to help spur their growth. It is always a lot of fun watching the young plants stick up their leaves through the snow and when you think about the whole process it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. All those green plants growing through the snow!

Have you ever tasted vegetables and greens from a winter garden? They are some of the sweetest tasting things ever. Some day do yourself a favor and plant a couple of broccoli and cauliflower and cabbage plants and cover them with a hoop row of plastic and plant them in October or November and let it get cold and maybe even let a little snow under the cover and then cover the plants back up and then harvest the vegetables. They will be so sweet! Like nothing you have ever tasted. Try it one time and see what happens. I think you will be very happy with the results. And here is the best part of the whole process. No bugs! None! Now that is sweet no matter what. The snow has helped with helping produce some of the best vegetables, which is great. With this being said, if there are other aspects of your garden that you need to sort out, for example, getting rid of a potentially dangerous tree, you could use the assistance of a company that offers something similar to tree removal Roanoke services, as this can help your garden look its best. Plus, you’ll have more space to grow more delicious vegetables!

You will be come a winter gardener real quick. The varmints are not out as much to feed off your plants either. Container gardening is a little harder in the cold time of the year because the cold affects the entire container. If you put a blanket of insulation around the container and cover the top with plastic you would do a lot better.

There are so many things you can do during the winter months that are so easy and require so little labor that it makes winter gardening very interesting. It does not take a lot of space to grow a lot of good tasting crops during the winter. No heat and direct sun to worry about. All these winter crops help replace the nutrients in the soil so that it is ready for your spring and summer garden and when you pull up the leftover plants and throw them in the compost pile you get a head start on that process as well. Those green plants along with some newspaper and grass and hay will heat up a compost pile real quick and really start the decomposing process.

Plan on it for next winter and see if you like it.


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