Deputy’s SUV smashed; driver arrested for possession

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A Guthrie man is in trouble with the law again. This time the man smashed his truck into the back of a Logan County Sheriff Tahoe. The latest arrest is his third in three years.

County DeputyThe Guthrie Police Department responded to the 600 block of E. Harrison on Thursday, Oct. 3 to find a two-vehicle accident showing a white Chevrolet pickup truck smashed into the back side of a brand new Sheriff’s Department Tahoe.

The deputy and driver did not report any injuries at the scene. Although, the deputy appeared to be shaken from the incident.

The first officer on the scene noticed the driver (still in his truck) was moving slow and his speech was slur. Another officer was called to the scene to perform a field sobriety test.

Following the test, Cody James Lynch, 29, was arrested for driving under the influence. Lynch was transported to a local hospital where he agreed to take a blood test. Those results are not known at this time.

After a search of Lynch’s truck, a silver smoking pipe was spotted in the console and the contents in the pipe tested positive for THC — generally associated with marijuana.

County DeputyLynch was taken into custody and is being charged with four counts, including a felony for driving a motor vehicle while under the influence for a second and subsequent time, possession of a controlled dangerous drug and unlawful possession of drug paraphernalia.

In May of 2012, Lynch was charged with physical control of a vehicle while under the influence for a second and subsequent time, possession of a dangerous substance and driving with license canceled. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges and has been continued for a court pretrial.

In March of 2011, Lynch pleaded guilty to four counts, including aggravated driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.

Lynch posted a $5,000 bond and is expected to be back in court on Nov. 12 at 9 a.m.


11 Comments on "Deputy’s SUV smashed; driver arrested for possession"

  1. haha thats what them backwards ass PIGS get lol still laughin props to that nigha

    • Well, well, well…. just when I thought my day was going to be boring!! I am amused at your attempt at humor Amy. You are probably some kid who has lost their remote to the XBOX or Wii and needed to interact with the general public….. You obviously have not tact or clue. Would it have been even funnier had the Officer been outside his vehicle when it happened? or perhaps you would find someway to call this police brutality for using his patrol car to “allow” this individual to hit him…… Let’s assume you are an adult and this was your kid behind the wheel that this individual ran in to…. I bet it would be OMG! OMG! This person hit my child!!! Call Channel 4!!! Call the Today Show!!! Can you believe who they let drive these days?????

      Okay so now you have had your less than 5 minutes of my time (which is far above what is deserved) I will let you back to your box of cheerios. Remember that these men and women in law enforcement may very well be the ones that save your life one day in a traffic accident…. even with that backwards attitude of yours!

  2. Amy Wilson….you show absolutely total disrespect to the police officers who might later be needed to assist you and or one of your family members by calling them PIGS and stating you are laughing at them. How shameful that you would actually post your comments on a public site for all to read. These officers put their lives at risk daily for you, and others and while you may not like police officers, you can keep your opinion to yourself! Didn’t your mother teach you that if you don’t have something nice to say then don’t say it at all??!!

  3. well if the jack ass hadn’t been parked in the middle of the road talking to a lady the incident would have never happened. But that guy doesn’t deserve to be on the road.

  4. Lynch Buster | October 10, 2013 at 5:44 am |

    Grew up with Cody. Does not surprise me in the slightest. Typical small town rich kid. This is just karma for all the years of harassment that he donned out to those less fortunate then himself. Watch him get off the hook again, small town justice at its finest. This kid should be locked up for a long time. Clearly he is not learning any sort of “lesson”.

  5. Lynch Buster, whoever you are, you absolutely nailed it…. I didn’t think he was ever a rich kid. Just another poor-white-trash-idiot who got credit somehow……Cody Lynch is a volatile, antisocial, scumbag; a true detriment to society. What a wonderful and ironic bit of karma this is to see him facing a very well deserved beatdown from the state. Hopefully he doesn’t get off the hook this time. With his latest episode of drunk crashing into a cop car, plus the previous pending criminal charges he has (which the DA has filed at least one application to accelerate deffered judgement on) things are NOT looking good for “Master Cody”

  6. Stupid Ginger | October 20, 2013 at 11:31 pm |

    Chase Lentz is just mad because Cody knocked your ass out.

  7. Pseudo Tough-Guy | October 23, 2013 at 1:37 pm |

    Cody Lynch is just mad b/c he got his face broke before being robbed. Throwing a sucker-punch when someone isn’t looking is sooooooo hard. An alternative title for this article could be “Napoleon syndrome drunk-crashes into back of cop car”

  8. kevin brown | November 2, 2013 at 4:11 pm |

    CODY LYNCH turned snitch to get out this trouble and has already started hurting others because cant own up to his problems,his mom says he did for his family,so why are they running?Bad up bringing for sure,any man who can not carry the wieght of his own mistakes without involving others to save his hide,is no kinda man.dont forget:CODY LYNCH WENT SNITCH!!!!! watch your backs people he cant be trusted.

  9. Snitches Leak Blood | November 7, 2013 at 11:07 am |

    If anybody should be watching their back, it’s Cody’s little bitch ass. The only good snitch is a DEAD one.

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