Last week, we met with Commissioner of Oklahoma County District 3, Ray Vaughn, and his superintendent to discuss the Waterloo Rd project that should begin soon. The first phase will be the mile between Douglas and Midwest, phase two will be from Midwest to Pine (Air Depot) and phase three will be from Douglas to Post. This project will be a cooperative effort between our two counties that will require a considerable amount of our district’s resources.
The Logan County Board of County Commissioners met at 9 am, Friday, August 14, at the Logan County Courthouse Annex. The 5 year plan for roads and bridges funded in part or whole by CIRB was finalized. No county has been as demanding for answers to funding questions as has Logan County. We are the last county in the state to submit their plan to ODOT.
At our last meeting of August 3rd, the Executive Director of the Oklahoma Cooperative Circuit Engineering Districts Board, Randy Robinson, P.E., had a presentation focused specifically on Logan County. Randy Robinson is the Exec. Dir. of all the 8 CEDs in Oklahoma. It was illuminating and educational to those interested in open government and how it works. His presentation is available online.
Our crew continues repairs to roads and culverts damaged by May and June storms.
New tinhorns are to be installed Monday at Charter Oak and Post and numerous more will be placed across the district over the next few weeks.
Virtually all of our blacktop potholes are patched in a timely manner. Please be aware of our pothole patch crew of one and any volunteers who may be helping him shovel asphalt.
Emphasis has been given to many of our addition roads, doing our best to get them ready for winter.
During the last three weeks over six miles of roads have been graveled.
The Anderson project dirt work is mostly complete. A reclaimer has been rented with delivery expected tomorrow (Monday). Anderson Rd north of Waterloo will be closed, except to local traffic, within working hours (8-4).
For those still in a lot of need, we are coming.
Whenever approaching maintenance work areas, please exercise caution and patience. Courtesy to our county workers is very much appreciated as they do their best to smooth up our roads and make them safer.
The new Waterloo NAPA has opened its doors to business on Waterloo Rd at its new location in Logan County. It is night and day compared to the old store across the street in Oklahoma County.
Dump your unwanted furniture, appliances and junk at the District 2 roll off dumpster, not in the creek. It is free to Logan County residents (non commercial) to use. We are located at 1550 N Midwest which is one mile north of the new Loves Truckstop being constructed at the I-35/Hwy 33 intersection. While Midwest is closed, College is the best way to get here. Our hours are 7:30-4 M-F.
Do not count on “someone else” to keep us informed on road conditions. .We will respond as soon as we are able. Our office is 282-3405 and my cell is 405-650-0384 and I text. Or email us at [email protected].
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