Donations help raise flags at St. Mary Catholic School

With the help of private donations, St. Mary Catholic School once again has Ol’ Glory and the Oklahoma state flag waving proud above the school’s entrance.

The rope of the pole was damaged after the winter storm this past December. Replacing the rope was never the issue, but somehow getting the rope and flags back up the pole that extends 60 feet into the air was the main concern.

With one phone call, Cody and Kathy Hayes with Hayes Lawn and Tree Service accepted the challenge.

A articulating boom was brought to the school, located at 502 E. Warner, to allow Cody to go to the top and make the proper repairs.

Marine Corps veteran and former Guthrie mayor Mark Spradlin, who played a part in organizing the event, helped secure and raise the flags into the Guthrie sky.

The cost of the boom was paid with donations raised from the school as well other private donations from citizens. Hayes Lawn and Tree Service donated their time and efforts, including the retrieval of the boom from out of town.


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