Explosions heard and felt from feed plant

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Explosions could be heard and felt miles away late Thursday evening with an explosion inside a metal barn at Livestock Nutrition Center.

A front loader is believed to have sparked a fire that led to several explosions. Photo Courtesy of Chris Dodson

A front loader is believed to have sparked a fire that led to several explosions. Photo Courtesy of Chris Dodson

At approximately 11:23 p.m., a loud explosion was heard by several residents, whom live nearby as well as miles away. The plant produces livestock feed and is located at 4806 Moose Circle (just east of Bible Baptist Church on S. Division).

Although, there were no visible flames from the outside of the structure, smoke could be seen leaving the building. A light odor in the air was also noticeable.

The explosion occurred in the main, metal barn and is believed to have started with a spark from the front loader (tractor) and was fueled by the grain dust. Together with the combustion chamber (barn) it is believed to have caused the loud explosions.

A nearby neighbor says he heard a total of five explosions with the first explosion rattling his house. Another person said he was outside and the explosions left his ears ringing.

Firefighters were able to knock the fire down inside the metal building. Photo By Chris Evans

Firefighters were able to knock the fire down inside the metal building. Photo By Chris Evans

“I was actually standing in my yard when the last explosion happened and my ears are ringing. It was pretty intense,” Cody Stewart said on a Guthrie News Page Facebook post.

Not only were the booms heard — they were felt.

“The first couple (explosions) shook our house and woke up nearly everyone in our neighborhood that were in bed,” Kim Greer said in a post.

The booms could be heard at Guthrie Lake, at the intersections of Coltrane and Simmons and Douglas and Simmons as well as near Highland Park.

Guthrie, Oak Cliff and Sooner fire departments responded with a total of four engines and two tankers.

There were no injuries reported at the scene.


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