The Central Community Foundation board recently approved a grant of $2,000 to Fogarty Elementary PTO of Guthrie, Oklahoma to help fund new playground equipment.
Fogarty Elementary has recently been redistricted from a second and third grade center school to a Pre-K through fourth grade center. Their current playground equipment, some of which is 20 years old, poses a safety concern along with developmental concerns with not being suitable for the age span of current students.
The new playground equipment will replace a large amount of the current playground equipment with one large playscape that is suitable and safe for all ages. This will also allow a large number of students to play at once.
The Central Community Foundation is a charitable organization established by Central Rural Electric Cooperative to administer a program called Operation Round Up®. The Central Community Foundation makes grants available to individuals and organizations throughout Central’s service area from the money donated by Central members who choose to round up their electric bill to the nearest dollar each month.
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