GPS updates events concerning during COVID-19 pandemic

Guthrie Public Schools wants to provide students, parents and the entire community with an update as they begin looking ahead to the temporary closure of school until at least April 6 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Many immediate questions about next week can be answered at this time, while questions about the coming weeks are much more difficult to answer.

Effective on March 17 all public schools in Oklahoma were ordered to cease instruction until April 6th. This included any online instruction. On Thursday, it was announced that a waiver seeking to cancel all state testing had been submitted. Today the school district was informed that the U. S. Department of Education is expediting all waiver requests.

More information on the state level is expected following the next meeting of the Oklahoma State Board of Education scheduled for Wednesday, March 25.

Parents who are needing to retrieve medications may do so between 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. for the week of March 23-27. An administrator will be present along with an administrative assistant to facilitate retrieval. GPS recommends you do not come to any of the buildings if you are feeling ill.

The school district will be providing sack lunches to anyone between the ages of 1-18 free of charge. The meals will be available from 11 a.m. until 12 p.m. on a “grab and go” basis at Central, Cotteral and Charter Oak Elementary Schools.

Charter Oak was added after the original announcement.

In order to be in compliance with USDA guidelines, staff must be present in order to certify the meal went to a person within the age range.

“We’ve had many volunteers offer to assist with this but it isn’t permitted per USDA guidelines,” Supt. Dr. Mike Simpson said.

At the current time, USDA guidelines require the child to be present in the car. Child Nutrition staff will be preparing the meals at each school site. The location of the sites could change as we respond to demand.

Free Instructional Sites

The instructional team has developed a collection of free educational websites parents may utilize during this unprecedented time. Here is a link to the listing.

Rookie Roundup

The annual pre-enrollment for next year’s pre-K scheduled for April 7 has been cancelled and will be rescheduled at a later date.

“We know there are many additional questions that remain but answers to those questions are likely unknown at this time since this is such a rapidly evolving event,” Simpson added.


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