Guthrie participates in Oklahoma FFA Chapter Officer Leadership Training Conference

Officers of the Guthrie FFA chapter participated in the 2017 Oklahoma FFA Chapter Officer Leadership Training Conference Sept. 26 at the Enid Event Center in Enid.

The eight state FFA officers planned and conducted this year’s conference based on the theme, “Dare To Be Different.”

Elected officers from each of the 62 high school FFA chapters in the northwest area attended leadership training designed to equip their teams with exciting tools to help them be different as an individual, different as an officer team and different as an FFA chapter.

Kelly Barnes, Norman, Okla., was the keynote speaker for the conference. Barnes is an accomplished professional speaker and leadership coach. He served as state FFA president in 2003-2004.

“We believe great individuals make great teams, great teams make great chapters, and great chapters make for a successful Oklahoma FFA Association,” said Ridge Hughbanks, state FFA president.  “Sometimes you need to do things a little different in order to accomplish greater things.”

Officers attending from the Guthrie chapter were Emily COrdell (President), Garret Wellden (Vice President), Ellie Throckmorton (Secretary), Morgan Truitt (Treasurer), Jacob Sanderson (Reporter), Tyler Laverty (Sentinel), Clay Drake (Advisor), Ashley Bradbeary (Advisor), Kaitlyn Williams (Advisor).

COLT Conference is sponsored by Public Service Company of Oklahoma as a special project of the Oklahoma FFA Foundation.  FFA is an integral part of the agricultural education division of the Oklahoma Department of CareerTech Education.  There are 26,912 Oklahoma FFA members in 360 high schools statewide.

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