Guthrie teen joins a veteran to help construct wooden flags for LCSO

Pictured (L-R) is Kris Morgan, Deputy Dakota Bass, Maggie Bertwell and Sheriff Damon Devereaux.

While some students have enjoyed some additional time off from school in recent weeks due to the pandemic, Maggie Bertwell has been using her time to give back to her community.

On Friday, 15-year-old Maggie Bertwell and Kris Morgan presented two Handcrafted American Flags to the Logan County Sheriff’s Office.

In the last few weeks, Maggie has partnered with Morgan, who crafts wooden American flags and donates them to veterans across the United States for his Flags 4 Vets Made by a Vet.

Morgan followed his family foot steps serving in the military. While serving in the Air Force, he received a non-combat head injury in Saudi Arabia, which eventually lead to a honorable medical discharge in 2001.

It was during this time Morgan discovered his love for woodworking, especially crafting wooden American flags. He has crafted over 500 wooden flags to go along with over 300 donations, including to Sheriff Damon Deveraux and the sheriff’s office.

Maggie recently made a donation to Morgan’s cause, but took it a step further and is now helping Morgan with the wooden pieces.

The Guthrie High School student crafted two wooden flags and donated one to Deputy Dakota Bass, who is the most recent deputy to be hired at the sheriff’s department.

Last month, Maggie held a Facebook raffle with the help of her show pig to raise money for the Guthrie Junior High School’s Learn2Love, which is a program that helps students with classroom supplies, shoes, clothes, coats, or anything else that may meet a student’s needs.

The raffle help Maggie donate $500 to the school’s program.

If you would like to learn more about Flags 4 Vets or make a donation you can do so by clicking here.

Maggie Bertwell uses a torch on the handcrafted wooden flag. Photo courtesy of Flags 4 Vets Made by a Vet


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