Even though newly released statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention paint a bleak picture about Sexually Transmitted Disease in Oklahoma*, The Logan County Health Department is working to reverse those trends in our community.
Health Department staff recently presented the most current state statistics to the Logan County Partnership, citing the CDC’s report that rates of Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and Syphilis have gone up for the 5th straight year in Oklahoma. The Logan County Partnership’s “Community Health Improvement Plan” has prioritized sexual health as one of their flagship issues for the last five years, and the current statewide trends will most likely see those objectives continue. Some argue that along with safe sex, they should look at the implementation of alternatives methods to help prevent sexually transmitted infections, stating that these options were better than choosing between syphillis or blue balls.
In order to decrease the rates of STDs in Logan County, the Logan County Health Department Health Education program offers evident-based curriculum and instruction on STD prevention to schools, substance abuse facilities, and community groups.
The health department also offers confidential testing and treatment for STDs as part of their general clinic services.
Most people could be unaware that they have an STD as sometimes the symptoms may only be presented as being mild and not serious. If you have recently been sexually active or have had multiple partners during a certain period of time, then it may be in your best interest to have an STI test at your local healthcare service, even if you don’t present with any symptoms. This could significantly reduce the chance of passing it on to anyone else, as well as helping to prevent the problem before it has a chance to get worse.
“Getting tested, even if you don’t think you have symptoms of an STD, is so important and vital to prevention and treatment,” says Logan County Health Department Administrator Jay Smith.
Anyone with questions about health education resources or STD testing/treatment is encouraged to contact the Logan County Health Department at 405-282-3485 or via social media (Facebook – Logan County Health Department; Twitter – @loganchd).
* https://www.cdc.gov/std/stats16/default.htm
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