Special to Guthrie News Page
By Darl DeVault
As the board of trustees finished its work during its monthly meeting Wednesday morning at the nonprofit Territorial Capitol Sports Museum longtime supporter and board member John Vance made a surprise contribution.

TCSM board member John Vance at right displays a GoPro HERO3 silver edition professional video camera he is contributing Wednesday to the museum as he shakes hands with TCSM executive director Richard Hendricks. Photo by Darl DeVault
Vance surprised the group supporting TCSM’s mission of preserving Oklahoma’s rich athletic heritage by contributing a GoPro HERO3 silver edition professional video camera to help modernize the museum’s ability to record events.
“We are grateful for the members of our community, such as this nonprofit board, who participate in making Guthrie a better place to live and we celebrate that with this support to those individuals and organizations in our backyard,” said Vance, John Vance Auto Group.
TCSM executive director Richard Hendricks accepted the surprise contribution.
“We have been working on the process of acquiring equipment lately to capture more of our events in video so that we can record significant moments and share them with our many Web site visitors,” Hendricks said.
The last time the board gathered, at the Guthrie Chamber of Commerce’s weekly coffee August 27, the Central Rural Electric Cooperative Foundation’s Operation Round Up made an $800 donation to help purchase video equipment as well. Guthrie resident and CREC board member Len Tontz presented the check that day to purchase a newly released GoPro HERO4 Black professional video camera with an extra battery and a Softbox video lighting kit.
With this donation by Vance, the museum will be up to date with video technology when it acquires the GoPro HERO4 Black camera that will be released for sale Oct 5, Hendricks said.
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