Guthrie High School is set to be heard with their appeals in front of the Oklahoma Secondary Schools Activities Association Board of Directors beginning at 9:00 a.m. Stay tuned for updates on this page. To stay up with the latest posts and updates you will need to refresh this page (F5) throughout the morning.
1:56 The 5A playoffs will begin this week. Schools can elect to play on Friday or Saturday.
1:46 Penatlites Rafe Watkins suspended for 8 games only beginning now, Clint Simek will not be allowed to play, forfeit all gate proceeds in playoff games, football team placed on warning for one year.
1:53 Again, ignore false reports – Guthie will play in the playoffs, but Clint Simke will not be allowed.
1:45 OSSAA Board is discussing right now to decide if the 5A playoffs ar to start on time.
1:37 Working interviews – please be patient on the penalties that were handed down.
1:33 Much more to come but GUTHRIE IS IN THE PLAYOFFS!!!!!!!!!!!!
1:33 Guthrie will play in the 5A playoffs!!!!
1:24 punish me so these kids can play if you like – Watkins suggest to board
1:22 more questions for Watkins
1:20 Simpson says there was no intent.
12:55 OSSAA votes to go back into executive session before voting on forfeit of wins.
12:51 Simpson pleading case for wins.
12:48 appeal on forfeits upcoming.
12:45 board denies appeal for Clint Simek.
12:43 board member says this is a tough decision, but mistakes were made. Asks Simpson and Watkins questions to begin.
12:42 about to begin to hear decision(s).
11:40 Guthrie has been heard and now the board will go into executive session with their attorney.
12:39 coming up on hour one of executive meeting. Guthrie group waits outside. Sheakley is in the executive session as well as OSSAA staff.
11:35 Simpson taking questions from OSSAA attorney.
11:34 Simpson describing emotion of the team when they first heard the news.
11:32 forfeiting 8 games is excessive – this burden is not on this family – Simpson says.
11:31 mr. Simpson now addressing the board.
11:29 ossaa attorney drilling Watkins with questions.
11:21 OSSAA attorney asks Watkins a question about the rule 8-2.
11:20 terry Simpson says, I completely believe and trust Rafe.
11:18 correction – Ed Sheakley asks first and second questions.
11:16 Rafe Watkins chokes up when addressing his team and what they have gone through. OSSAA board now asking questions.
11:13 issue with Simek living next door to Watkins may be more positive then negative cause Watkins sees them leaving every morning to prove they indeed stay there every night.
11:12 we have been honest – watkins
11:09 Gary Rose (CA coach) knew Clint moved to Guthrie so Rafe was not hiding anything with his arch rival on the field.
11:03 Coach Rafe Watkins will now address the OSSAA board.
11:00 now going on two hours – school attorney still speaking on the rule 8-2-B-5
10:51 form in question that was not signed until Oct. 28 by Guthrie. Attorney says no reference was made to that form on initial paper work.
10:49 Guthrie attorney introduces terry Simpson, chad Wilson, Rafe Watkins, Gary Boxley.
10:49 the OSSAA board will now hear from Guthrie schools. Attorney will speak first.
10:39 meeting has now moved over to the legal matter of things (rules).
10:29 OSSAA attorney continues questions For Simek.
10:27 board question asks if he told Guthrie about the move in and he tells them no. We did not that was rule.
10:25 tony Simek (father) addressing board. Earns the boards smiles with a comment about a lot of praying. Sheakley has no reaction.
10:24 board member asks Clint “why Guthrie”. Clint says its a great school.
10:21 Clint Simek, emotional, now addressing the board.
10:20 OSSAA attorney asks Denton how did you meet Coach Watkins. Denton says through power lifting.
10:15 Denton Simek (middle brother) now addressing the board.
10:13 OSSAA attorney asks two questions for oldest brother. Board now asking Cody questions. Tells board his family has not stayed the night in the house one time.
10:08 oldest brother now speaking to the board.
10:06 Mrs. Simek thanks the Guthrie community for wrapping their arms around their family.
10:03 Mrs. Simek reading statement. Made a funny remark and earns the smiles from the board. Sheakley observes the smiles with no emotion.
10:01 emotional mrs. Simek is now talking to board
9:59 4 month gap from the move to Guthrie from the time the brother moved in.
9:56 time line being discussed on the move to Guthrie.
9:52 Simek family lawyer will speak first.
9:50 appeal is now about to begin and Guthrie will speak.
9:43 continued board questions
9:39 am – Guthrie will speak following board questions.
9:36 am – the board is now asking Sheakley questions.
9:31 am – Sheakley going in depth on their findings.
9:24 am – Sheakley still addressing board.
9;05 am – Ed Sheakley addressing the board.
9:00 am – Terry Simpson and Rafe Watkins and Simek family have entered the board room.
GSP has arrived inside the board room and are about 15 minutes from starting the meeting.
Sheakley needs to hurry I’m getting impatient, I want good news for my bluejays.
Let’s go Big Blue….
we need a new update
OK so the house didn’t sell and was empty for 4 months then the brother moved in is there a big deal there?
welp, that cant be good.
Can you please post questions being asked?
More questions? What KIND of questions…what are they asking? This isn’t very insightful
I just hope they overturn it. I’m really eager to find out .
Hey Evans, tell “guest” to stick it up his arse! Without this he/she wouldn’t have ANY insight at all. You’re not a court clerk! Thanks for doing this so we can all be as involved as possible, Chris!!
if there was a realtor contract in the 4 month gap, I’d think that would be a good thing. Then they can say the brother moved in because it wasn’t selling.
I mean if I was 2+ hours away, I’d want someone in the house taking care of it and looking after it if it’s not selling. Seems like an easy, valid point to make
shouldnt even matter what the grown son does. hes no longer under the responsibility of mom and dad. so silly
I would want a family member or someone I knew living in my house thats not selling too
Maybe the house wasn’t selling because it was priced too high to sell?
Prague alum, who gives a S***! What does that have to do with this!?!
Prague is a dump! You couldn’t pay me to live there!
Says who?
with the housing market the way it is im not surprised the house didnt sale. keeping my prayers up for the bluejays…good luck!!
Agree Trey. You beat me to the punch. The price of the house has nothing to do with this.
they might be the one who wrote the letter…….
Yeah they probably were.
Sorry, wasn’t me.
word on the street is that the letter came from there. not 100 percent sure but like 80 percent positive.
It was either from there or grok someone who doesn’t want to post guthrie in the playoffs.
The questioning of the middle brother meeting Coach Watkins then them asking Clint “why Guthrie” is the most concerning part to me…..
I don’t think that’s a bad question. Why Guthrie? Because it’s better than any community in Oklahoma. I would have answreed why not Guthrie?
it makes it sound like the coach met the middle brother (who didn’t go to Guthrie (I don’t think) and then they moved to Guthrie with Clint. Seems like that could raise eyebrows. I could be reading into it too much
Reading way to much into that. The family has know coach Watkins for years. He is a Prague Alum
Oh OK. Didn’t know that. Wow, that raises alot of questions about the letter now…..I didn’t know he was from there.
The family left Prague after Coach A got fired and thought it would hurt his chances at a scholarship. Coach A used to coach at Guthrie.
I think they’re just trying to put together how everyone came together compared to when the move was made. 4 months is gap is good, hope they bring out the reason he moved back into the house.
It just looks bad in the eyes of outsiders….. A kid moves in from Prague, the school gives his mother a job and they move in down the street from the head coach??
I see what you mean there. But the question is dual residency here, right? And the person who wrote the letter either A.) has a reason to not want Guthrie in the state tourney or B.) has a personal issue with either the Watkins’ or the Simek’s. Did the mother work in the school system in Prague?
Yes she did
Yes. I believe that she was the high school counselor…… I think the question to the father about advising Guthrie about the move in is a something to take note of. That is stated very clearly in the rules. You have to let the school know.
Well the mother getting a job with something she has prior expeience with shouldn’t be a big deal. I mean this isn’t like some of the kids on the Kansas Jayhawks b-ball team’s parents getting a job at the university here. I mean the coach would have insight to a position open and probably drove by a home for sale sign every day. I don’t see a big deal to mention those things. As for the rule of transferring, I thought I read something to where they did say something, but apparently the father says different. But I thought the school (GHS) took the steps necessary. I think this is the OSSAA invading constitutional rights. I mean who are they to say whether I can move my kid to give him more opportunities. If my son is a badass football player, why wouldn’t I want to put him on the Jenks stage as opposed to Coyle??? And if I want to take the chance of moving up there, so be it.
Point? Where u tryin to get at!? I didn’t understand that ?
agreein w/u trey. how the family got here shouldnt be of concern. as long as the proper procedures were taken. if i were moving, id want to first go 2 a place where i knew someone or it benefited my family. rafe is a good coach. hes a benefit to all football students lol
The proper procedures weren’t taken Mr. B, that’s why this whole thing is going on!
I Prague was mad because one of the kids was a star player and the family pulled him off the team becayse the coach was fired or something like that. So Prague woauld have had a good team maybe had the kid stayed on the tem. So I think they would have complained about any team that this family went too it just happened to be Guthrie.
Guest you cant type worth shit
I dont care how this comes out, but I would hope no matter what happens the will move the 5A playoffs back a week. I don’t think it would be fair to ask teams to practice and prepare for 2 opponants, and to ask a team like Ada to go from a home game to an away game in just a couple of days.
Agreed. I would think someone from a school as competitive as CA would want another shot at Guthrie as well and want to play the best in their quest at another title.
I guess I better start proof reading my stuff:)
The outsiders can read into it what they want. Just about everyone in Guthrie lives down the street from the head coach. Guthrie isn’t that big!
I would agree catitan. I’ve heard that if a suit is filed it will stop the playoffs until a decision is made.
Pretty sure there’s more than one “Guest” here…
Nonetheless, I do note that “coverage” has improved, so Trey, stick it up your own arse…and you’re welcome from all “Guests” (whoever made the comment that coverage was sketchy and not very insightful. It HAS improved since that comment was made, clearly.
HAHA! I just don’t like my buddy being criticized for doing everyone on here a favor.
I feel bad for the Guthrie team, not rooting against them. Just seems like the Simeks were upset & moved their family to a new town for football reasons and it came back to bite them.
Came back to bite a lot of innocent people it would seem.
Please do not kill the messanger. I could care less, i just want football.
But This is what i pulled off from another website discussing this situation. I believe this is how alot of people feel about this.
First, the mother of FB player is a teacher (ie school official) from Guthrie who knowingly violated the rules. She along with the Football Coach, Superintendent (which is an OSSAA board member) and AD, know full well that if you have another home (dual residency) and have been granted eligiblity you can certainly forfeit that eligiblitiy if all rules are not followed to the letter of the law. This is a well know fact. Therefore, once the family which includes a teacher in the Guthrie School System allows a family member to live in the former home and do not have it leased to a non-family member, that player becomes ineligible and any contest in which he plays must be forfeited. The Coach, Superintendent and AD are very on the team, I would ask him why he choose to take this risk. Did he think this Athlete was special that he was the last key to a State Championship? If I were a parent of a player on this team, I would be very upset with the administration at the School. As a OSSAA Board Member, that has denied over 100 eligibility cases this year, don’t you think he is well versed in the rules? Sure he is! Do you think he shares his knowledge of the rules with his FB Coach and AD as well as the Teachers in the School system. Sure he does! Therefore, as adminstrators they made a decision to play a Student Athlete who had a potential problem with maintaining elibility. When the Teacher family violated the rules, the other kids are unfortunately made to suffer. If I had a kid who was an athlete in Guthrie, I would make certain these type of risks were not repeated by the school officials. On the bright side, be thankful your kids may only be made to suffer the loss of a playoff run and are not being made to set an entire year and not be able to play the sports they love. Feel free to ask Mr. Simpson on the number of athlete he has voted to take a year of eligibility away from them and does he think the OSSAA made the wrong decision, if so, I’m sure the other 100 or so athlete who are setting on the sidelines would appreciate knowing how the rules only applies to them.
What website did this come from? The Prague Daily News? LOL!!
A huge discussion on Coachs Aid.
You would think that an official that sets on the board would know the rules
What form was not signed by Guthrie until Oct 28th??
Well said
Resident Affirmation… but, there is no requirement for it in the handbook so…
If its not required then why is it a big deal?? That makes no sense
Also, if the form is not required then why the mad dash to get is signed??
ask the ossaa that. theyre the 1s who asked guthrie
If Simpson had any role in this…He needs to go away. Nobody in Guthrie trusts him anyway (hence, the continued failure of every School Bond the board puts on a ballot). He’s a drain on this school system and sounds like a good reason to finally can him if he’s aware of ANY of this and did nothing to stop it.
Trey you are right i want a Guthrie Carl Albert final.
Plus i know both coach Rose and coach Watkins a little, and know both are top notch people who would not break any rules on purpose.
Humm Prague football reasones? really? You must be saying that because they chose to keep the business they own in Prague because it certainly couldnt be because mom got a job in Guthrie. Or could it?
Seriously?? Do you think that they moved their son to Guthrie because the mother got a job? This family has roots in Prague. Everyone in their family has lived there since the town was founded. There is nothing wrong with moving your family to give your kid a better opportunity to win or play a the next level but a little common sense would help.
u from midwest city red?
No, Hugo.
Got to go, good luck Guthrie. Hope to see you in the playoffs.
Word is that the house is listed for 40-60% below appraised value in Prague……….Prague is dump case and point!
misunderstood my source. 6-8% below value. Still, who would want to live in a town with the scandels that are going on in an already dumpy town
Seems like all Trey likes to do is rip on Prague.
That says a lot more about you than it does about them.
Prague needs to be more concerned with their coaches and superintendants t-bagging junior high players!!
Oh sorry Big Red everyone isn’t as smart as you. All of this mess is a perfect example of why you would move from Prague. You’re a bunch of cry babies. With or without a job.
Never lived there.
Oh but you just happen to know everything about Prague?
Its not hard to find out what is going on. Just do your research on other sites
My goodness lets not bad mouth each other this is not about us it’s about these kids
Agreed. Believe it or not I hope this thing is overturned. I do not believe the Guthrie players should be punished for the actions of one set of parents
thank you red!!!
Thanks Red you prooved my point.
If forfeiting 8 games is excessive, what is fair?
outstanding athletes in guthrie, you have all worked very hard for this and have had such dignity and class about this whole matter…. i am so proud to be a parent of a BLUEJAY.
I agree with you Michelle….I am very proud of these boys….and very proud to be a Bluejay Fan
IF…. guthrie HAS to be punished for this. make them the 4th seat for playoffs. even without Clint on the team, guthrie still manhandles every team they played. maybe with the exception of CA. but they lose district champ title, and have 2 travel. i dont wanna see them punished at all, they didnt do anything wrong. but worse case scenerio i mean
if the coaches/superattendant knew that this was illegal then they should be punished not these kids….Its not clints fault that this is happening. Blame falls on the coaches, parents, administration if this doesnt get overturned….im a guthrie graduate and love this team, and their just kids. Dont punish the kids for an adults mistake.
Why the heck didn’t they file the resident affirmation form? It’s right there on the OSSAA website…..If a student enrolls as a bona-fide resident of a school district, but the family still owns, rents, or maintains a home in another school district, the Residence Affirmation Form must be completed.
I think eveyone needs to read the rule. I think the burden of proof that the family intends to move back is on the OSSAA. It also says if they find proof then the student becomes ineligible from then on to participate. It then states that the school may, not shall be subject to forfieture and further participation. Everyone has valid points on this discussion, well some anyway. If it is that much deem the student ineligible and let the rest of the team play. If this student was that valuable to the win loss record it will show in the playoffs….PLAY BALL.
well said!!
soooo true
is this where they vote?
Who wouldn’t wanna move too Guthrie. Were one big family. Expecially when something like this goes on. We don’t give up. And no matter what we go through we hold our heads high. Emotional day for all of guthrie. Were all hoping for the better outcome. But no matter what were still number 1!<3 keep your head up clint we love you. And everyone who was heartbroken by this keep praying! With god all things are possible!
you are soo right!! with God all things are possible!!
Man u r truly right
i think so! lol *shakes*
One or two selfish tits are trying to ruin the chances of 60 other kids and their families! This is such a joke! Some of these kids may be borderline scholarship players in college and these bigger stage games could be the swing vote as to whether they get offers. These selfish a-holes are possibly ruining these kid’s chances at higher education. I, for one, hope karma bites this person HARD!
I just think everybody is pissed at us because were getting so close to that ring.
Praying for the best!!
wasn’t it the town of prague where the earthquakes epicenter occured?
HAHAHA! It was around there, but I’m not hoping for anything to happen to the whole town, just the person responsible. Not sure earthquakes do that type of singling out…….
Let’s go Big Blue!!!!!
Is an “executive session” at 1140 AM another term for lunch??
I was wondering that too…
Its where they make the family nd news go out so it can be discussed in private! They’ll give everyone the answer after this!
The question was in jest, GUTHRIE. We know what they’re doing, but thanks…..
May versus Shall. Good point and an important distinction.
A good measure, perhaps, may be to look at the individual games and weigh the contribution of this individual in those games rather than across the Board forfetiture of all games he participated in…find some middle ground that makes sense. Remove his touchdowns, for example, and see what the score was when it was all said and done. Chances are pretty good that Guthrie would have still won most (if still not all) of their games and while maybe not still undefeated after such an exercise, they’d probably be somewhere in the playoffs?
Trey, i hear you. I was just poking a little fun. I wouldn’t want anything bad to come out of this whole ordeal either. Hope everything turns out in favor of the bluejays!!!!
KTOK just announced that Guthrie wasn’t going to the playoffs.
that’s no good
Ossaa hasn’t even said their answer yet.
I hope they were pre mature in that.
KTOK announcing stuff before it’s announced in the Board room?
Not sure what that was all about but I know they have a person there.
That’s all they said then went to commercial.
Bailiff! Pass out the Right Guard! This could go on all day!!!
Lot’s of commercials come to mind… let’s just hope it doesn’t end like an old Lifesavers commercial.
must be having a hard time coming up with a unanimous decision.
They dont vote as a whole group.
I’m curious… Was the word INTENT ever brought up? It seems there would need to be some form of INTENT established here???
Mark Rogers just said on the Sports Animal that with the testimony today and what he has heard about the situation he sees no way that Guthrie wins this appeal.
We dont care his opinion.
Mark rogers has NO say so in anything. guthrie has too have seven votes in order for them too win this.
Based on the lack of response, fellow Guest, “intent” wasn’t considered. I think you may have a legal point though and the burden of proving “intent” is always difficult. I’d guess it couldn’t be proven in this case?
I woud think they would have to look at the intent of the rule which this doesn’t meet.
such an awful score to put on a kid.
Is Mark Rogers an attorney? Does he have a vote? Lots of speculation and lots of people trying to have the “scoop.” That’s also a little like the commentators on a “replay” being reviewed “certain” that a call would be overturned or not…and then they’re wrong.
Hope the wait means that Guthrie has a chance to win the appeal.
heard they could be eating lunch, and discussing it
i cant get over the fact that the OSSAA receives an anonymous letter of great calibur and makes a decision without getting guthries explanation. no way they could have known all this on their own, especially a week after receiving the letter. leavin guthrie out to dry, in panic mode. so much info has been brought out 2day. makes the OSSAA look incompetant & ignorant, & shady
Imagine that…….an athletic directing group incompetant?? Does the NCAA come to mind? Why would the OSSAA be any different?
Let me be clear……I hate this for the Guthrie football team and I don’t like the fact someone sent an anonymous letter, but the school/family did not file the proper forms with the OSSAA. It wouldn’t take but a minute to determine this was true once it was brought to the attention of the OSSAA.
You have got to be kidding me, right?? You’re going to tell me that this governing body can get a letter and send out a sentence in less than a day?!?!? WOW!! You’re pretty delusional to give this governing body, who has got SO many things wrong in the last 10 years, so much credit. I could list examples, but I think that would be a waste of time right now
Trey….I’m just responding to the previous post that said “a week after receiving the letter”. If there is suppose to be a form on file in the OSSAA office and it is not there, how long would it take for them to determne it was never completed?
Guthrie is 52-7 over the last five years. I hardly think this kid was a sole reason they are kicking tail this year. Mark Rogers is a self admitted opinionist this is his opinion, but I think the OSAA is a bunch of cowards. I say again suspend the student and let the team play. If the ruling is against Guthrie, if I was a parent i would sue the OSSAA on behalf of my sons opportunity to be staged for future collegiate opportunities.
i understand IF there is foulplay involved, it shouldnt go ignored. but the student deserves 2 play. he is just as innocent as the other jays. punishing him wouldnt be fair when the adults made the mistake
i agree our kids have worked so hard for this, let them play
They’ve really been deliberating for almost an hour. I hope to god its good news! Thread
Not that it matters here, but to all of you “guests”, can’t you give yourself some sort of screen name so we know which one of you is spewing the most knowledge or garbage? Just a thought…..
I’m sure I resemble that remark…but not sure which part of it. And I don’t care.
The people that’re bashing on Justin Rogers need to calm down for 2 seconds. He has valid points about everything and you die hard Guthrie fans aren’t looking at everything! The big deal is that those forms weren’t turned in and I’m not sure who is responsible for it but they didn’t get turned in! My point is, that person who wrote that letter is a piece of shit! Sorry there’s nothing in Prague, Oklahoma and some idiot has to try and feel important and ruin a great thing! N my name is Steve Kriz!
Mark Rogers. He is actually pretty “in the know” on OK HS football
That’s what I meant BRO!
There does seem to be a serious lack of intent…and more importantly, any proof of intent. I’m a little shocked that defense attorneys never brought this up (if they didn’t).
i agree about “intentional or not intentional” however, how would they prove it and can it be proved at this hearing?
It’s not about the truth, its about what they can prove with evidence…
if anybody can get away with stirring up trouble, using anonymous letters and not having proof. then people will start doing it regularly. what do u have 2 lose?
OSSAA needs to examine their practices and STOP accepting anonymous complaints…or at least stop acting on them.
I doubt they could prove intent…whether they realize they should be looking at intent or not? Who knows? And IS that part of the elements relevant to this rule? One would think so.
Has the injunction already been filed?
Can I get an Update?
I just heard Guthrie was denied! Not 100% sure on that but it came from a reliable source! #GuthrieForever
You know no matter what happens. If we play or don’t. Everyone NOT from Guthrie should know one little thing!(; we ALWAYS makr a comeback! We have taken this situation as a learning process and guess what we got through it as a town! If ossaa could read some of the facebook post I’m sure it’d tear them apart. We know we serve this. But things happen for a reason. Just know guthrie jays will comeback bigger stronger and pissed off(: still praying’
they are back
Appeal Denied by 10-0 vote
per Mark Rogers of the Sports Animal
This bothers me a bit, the wording. Seems to me the OSSAA needs to prove this paragraph…
The undersigned student, parent(s) or legally appointed guardian, and principal or head of the receiving school each further acknowledge…”that if it is determined that the change of residence was not actually made, or that “some involvement” in the former residence has continued which would indicate that the change of residence was a sham,”…made for the “purpose” of evading OSSAA rules concerning eligibility after changing schools; the undersigned student, parent(s) or legally appointed guardian, and principal or head of the receiving school each additionally acknowledge that if the “student, or parent(s) or guardian” are found to have been residing in their former residence, either fulltime or part-time, subsequent to a change of residence supposedly having been made, then the student shall be deemed immediately to be ineligible for further participation at any school until reinstated by the OSSAA Board of Directors. The schools may be subject to sanctions
or penalties, including the possible forfeiture of previous contests orchampionships.
“simpson pleading wins?” Haven’t they already voted?
They voted that the player is ineligible. They now have to decide if Guthrie does indeed have to forfeit all the games in which the player participated.
OSSAA votes to go back into executive session before voting on forfeit of wins…….my gut tells me that might be good news for the team
I think this is good news for Guthrie
I pray you are right!
Wow!! Does this mean the Bluejays have a chance to get back into the playoffs without Clint Simek?
Yes(: clint just can’t play at all!
I think that would be the most fair thing to do
It is the right thing too do… I don’t see why they can punish the whole team. Clint being a senior I feel for him. Much love goes out too him and his family seeing he was only trying too better himself.
i sure hope so!!!!!!!
one player does not make a team, i sure hope the jays are allowed to play
Omg!!!! Do they not know the WHOLE TOWN OF GUTHRIE is waiting for these votes!
I hope it is soon!
Yes todd it does
me too this is nerve racking!!!!
This is where intent should be coming into play…
The O.S.S.A.A. better start making the Independent Schools play only each other, they have kids from all over and compete with the public schools that only have kids within their area. Not hardly fair. This is really screwed up.
I agree.
there’s a large can of worms to open up……..
but I do agree with you. They may have to fill out these forms on all of their student-atheltes though. It may be a common practice for them
This would be a huge move by the OSSAA. I don’t think they have the guts
i think you meant private schools and not Independent schools. Independents are not members of the OSSAA. Had Simek moved to Okc, he would only be eligible for the school district he moved in. IE, moved to OKc and lives in PC district but goes to high school at Bishop, he would have to set out a year. I know the haters will call BS on this but its true.
Way too many coincidences in this case. Mommy and daddy don’t like the firing in Jan so move in Feb, daddy keeps business in prague, longtime friend of guthrie coach then moves next door, brother living in house now. C’mon people, common sense can exist in Guthrie!
Doesn’t a student who transfers to a private school, during their four years of high school, have to sit out a year?
i believe so
As long as they fill out the paper work (which Guthrie did not) they are allowed to play…
Not sure but even if they do they still don’t live in that area. There was a Guthrie girl that went there just to play basketball a few years ago and her family lived and worked in Guthrie with no intentions of moving. Not playing by the same rules. My daughter played soccer against many of the girls that went places to be on a better team and didn’t live in the school’s area, but since it was an Independent School it was okay and of course they get a powerhouse team that way.
Kim, i totally agree with what you are saying. It doesn’t make sense. Looks like some rules need to be rewriten. This is why the board needs to make the correct decision because if they don’t and this thing goes further (lawsuit), what you just said could become an issue on the behalf of the ossaa.
It was explained to me in this way………………The private schools have not always played against the public schools. The OSSAA did NOT want to include them but the private schools filed a lawsuit against the OSSAA. The OSSAA finally included them because it was financially exhausting to continue fighting them.
SUBSTAINED vote? Surely you mean ABSTAINED???
We’ve been waiting all day. Just give us the votes!
What’s the vote!
EZ-E getting after the animal! LOVE IT! Show em the news, CE!!!
yeah, Trey. Ha, they don’t always get their facts right.
Hurry up! Suspense is overwhelming!
Guthrie doesn’t care who sent it. We just want what we earned back!
that is true, very well said!!!!!!
This wouldn’t surprise me. Clint was said to be up for starting QB this year if he hadn’t moved. Then they fired the coach.
I heard it was someone from the Prague News Paper
Nice try Big Red This is Andrew Lee the owner of the Prague Newspaper I’m very good friends with the Simeks and support them 100%. They know that and thats all that matters
No joke. And it wasn’t KF’s mom either. Even tho I know that’s who you think it was. Just proving a point. Anyone can say anything on this site.
Tell us Yes or No.
And fast!
thanks chris for doing such a great job letting parents and fans of bluejays know whats going on!!!!!
Yeah everybody trying to scoop each other just like KTOK putting out that info that wasn’t right.
Yes Chris, thank you very much.
Thanks Chris.
Keep fighting it Terry!!
Okay, now this is just stupid. What more is there to ask?
Are you people in Guthrie still breathing?
hardley yes or no geeze
I think were still all holding our breathe…
Okay, now coming to the part where Watkins suggests to step down? What the heck? That’s not right.
no that is not right at all, coach watkins is a very wonderful coach and PERSON!!!!!!!
so do we get to go to the playoffs or not?
Punish me so the kids can play. Wow didn’t see that coming! Gotta love guthrie!. LET THE BOYS PLAY!!!
I’d rather see SIMPSON step down, by far!! He’s not man enough to offer it though.
If Alan Trimble (spl?) (Jenks coach) got away with all he did, Watkins’ job should in no way be in jeopardy!
I am pretty sure that me and my family are great friends with the Simek’s. My parents own the paper here in Prague. With that said you know where we live and you can stop hiding behind a fake name like everyone else in this town and come visit us. Prague is such a joke for s school system and a town of good (fakes) people that I am sad to say I am even from here.
Maybe daddy can move you to guthrie then.
I hope we get to play! The boys have worked so hard! LET US PLAY!!(:
Hearing that Watkins would be out for 8 games and forfeit of $ earned from games.
I don’t think he’s implying that he would step down! I think he’s thinking a suspension or something! No way he’d step down over something like this
funny thing guthrie stands together!!!!!! OUR BOYS DESERVE TO PLAY!!!!!!
He said he would not coach in the playoffs and be suspended next year until they reached 8 games!
Win-Win if they’d punish Simpson!! Good idea.
In the meantime, somebody needs to keep harping on INTENT. It is NOT THERE. If it don’t fit, you must acquit.
I hope Guthrie wins the whole thing!!!!! GO Blue jays
hes trying to be a good coach!
We’re in!!!
They made the right decision.
I hope you all lose in the first round.
Awh is someone butt hurt?!(: na y’all done pissed guthrie off! Y’all aboutta get some major payback
Bernie, we are really sorry you feel that way!
As this is a Guthrie Sports web page, most every one else is thrilled for these high school kids who have done a great job this year in both academics and athletics! Can I get a bird call?
WONT HAPPEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you have HIGH hopes
how bout you sthecku guthrie is amazing dont be jealous!!
Poor Bernie fortunately that won’t happen.
It passed! WHAAAAAA
Well Lawton Macs side of the bracket got a littler harder again. LOL
I thought Mac was on CA’s side and Guthrie was on the other side?
we were but im sure this whole thing was an attempt 2 get carl albert on the easy side. so it wouldnt surprise me if our penalty is becoming the 4th seater, and payin Mac round 1 @ Mac
Thanks, Evans! Good stuff!
Trey, I believe you told me………………You’re pretty delusional to give this governing body, who has got SO many things wrong in the last 10 years, so much credit.
I do give them credit. They made the right decision in this case. Good luck to Guthrie!
Glad to see them in though!!
Everyone here at the high school is running around banging on the doors and windows and cheering!
But that is the norm for the idiots at that school.
Your a complete idiot. Go somewhere if you didn’t care about guthrie you wouldNT be on OUR SPORTS PAGE! We EARNED OUR SPOT!
BUT Watkins can’t coach for 8 games. That’s all of the playoffs and 4 games next year.
what a honorable coach he is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again, I have to repeat myself, but Coach Watkins is an honorable man and we are blessed to have him in our district and in our community!
yes!!!!!!!!! we are very lucky to have him in OUR community!!!!
yesss!!!!!! go bluejays
Levi, I wanted to thank you for posting your name and standing by what you post! I just heard that Guthrie will be in the playoffs! Go Big Blue!
Yes.. Go beat everyone and take that state champ back too Guthrie!!
Does Perry know you’re not working?
Research that Red.
Great real-time reporting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
another win for bluejays!!!!!!!
Congrats to the OSSAA for getting it right!!!!
i’m so glad to hear. i worried about the kid and the guilt that he must have been dealing with. i’m sure he can deal with the decision a little better now hat the bluejays will play in the playoffs. thank you lord!
Forfeit all gate proceeds??? Guthrie needs to allow free entry or discount the rate!!!
It was reported on the Sports Animal that Coach Watkins will not get to coach the team………..I just got a text messages saying that Coach Watkins is suspended 8 games
You’re behind…it’s been here for awhile.
I am at work…. Come see me since your worried about my life so much!!!
Just remember something stud. I know who you are. You don’t know who I am. My names not Todd.
I figured that out, and I dont care if you know who I am. I got nothing to hide, I support our Red Devils and the Simek’s. Its just sad we have people that are weak, cowardly, that set behind fake names, causing problem after problem. I told you my name for a reason. It’s cause what I say is what I think is right. Man if you wanna act hard behind a fake name.COngrats to you my friend. Well played, way to be a fake. I am happy for you. I wish I was a coward, I really do. Maybe you could teach me… Please do, I know you know better than to tell me your name!!!!
Why don’t you tell your dad to quit hiding behind “guest”
Says the guy who doesn’t know the difference between your and you’re. Typical Guthrie education.
Haaaa! Its called autocorrect. Get your jealous ass off our page!
simma down now!!!!
Did everyone hear that??? It was the can of worms the OSSAA just opened.
Too bad Simpson isn’t taking any of this blame… Getting him canned would be a GREAT win for this community. Does he accept no blame for this? Maybe he should reimburse the Athletic Program (from his recent raise) whatever they lose (in the form of a donation) at the gate? It will never happen, I know…and he’ll never acknowledge an iota of fault, unlike the Coach. QUITE unlike the Coach!!
I don’t know Mr. Simpson but I am not surprised at all that Coach Watkins took the blame on himself. What a stand up guy.
I want to apologize for our town. We are a town filled with cowards, snitches, and un-athletic jealous people. We are not has beens, but rather wish-we-had-beens. Our stalwart is a four footer that we would follow to hell and back. Look no further than our score against kingfisher this weekend and you will see what we are made of. Rafe was one of ours and so was the Simeks, we are the jilted lover.
so guthrie continues 2 be district champs? 1st 2 games at home? upper bracket in playoffs?
I can assure you that the Prague paper had nothing to do with the letter writing. I’m hearing that the current coach’s mom sent the letter. The new coach is a Prague alum. The town has a tremendous history concerning morals that dates back to 1991. Do a search and you will understand that that event has divided the town.
The Simek’s would give you the shirt off their back and Prague has alot of people that are the same way. Unfortunately we also have scum that resides here as well. Coach Watkins your a standup guy along with the Simeks.
Letter writer I hope you fell good about yourself your a piece of ^&%$!
You’re no better than the letter writer if you’re going to gossip like that.
Red go away. Go make your own page and talk your stuff on it. We try to up beat in Guthrie and don’t need you on it.
Of course the paper did not have anything to do with this. But neither did the coaches Mom. Seriously?? People are calling out a woman who is in a paralyzed. Why be mad at the person who wrote the letter?? They did nothing wrong even tho they should have signed it. Again I give it up to coach Watkins for falling on the sword for his team
We Do not care who wrote the letter! All we wanted was a chance at what these boys worked so hard at. And we got it. Its over. Noone cares about this letter guthrie’s main focus was on the playoffs.
I promise you, people that are close to the Simek family care about who wrote the letter. Tony is a good guy.
Good ruling for the rest of the boys on the team. Acceptable for the coach and the player. Maybe this will make more people pause before up and moving a kid strictly for sports. My next question is, does he play baseball this year? Did the OSSAA give any indication on this?
The only worm is you.
WOW. You can play illegal players and then not forfeit your games. Just make your head coach, which helped orchestrate this whole thing, sit out some games. Guess common sense doesn’t exist in Guthrie or with the OSSAA
Jealously will get you nowhere in life js! We earned our spot! Hate on us in the playoffs not behind a computer.
don’t hate Guthrie at all. Consistancy should be a priority for an association such as the OSSAA, and they have shown that consistancy is not important to them with this ruling. Simpson might have earned his pay this time
the boys didnt do anything wrong, the boys get 2 play
Coach Watkins is an honorable man. He has not, and will not, recruit players. He doesn’t need to because Guthrie is full of intelligent, eligible, athletic students.
Finally a rational decision from the OSSAA! Don’t punish the kids for something that the administration dropped the ball on. Go JAYS!
I don’t think Jenks or Jones were given the same option as Guthrie was… I am way ok with not punishing the rest of the kids for a few peoples mistake… but that was not the precedent that was set in prior rulings… the OSSAA just opened a giant can of words in that and I predict many lawsuits to come in previous decisions… and it looks way way way worse that this decision, which seems way lighter than ever before, comes with the Superintendent from Guthrie sitting on the board
hey guthrie bluejay fans, YOU KNOW there will be HATERS. In this situation, our HATERS will be our MOTIVATORS to take that championship. so hate all you want. so spit on stupidity. TAKE STATE BLUEJAYS!!!!!!!!!!
You know, if this were to happen at a private school, everyone that is supporting Guthrie would have a completely different point of view. So, please, don’t preach about earning anything when you do it breaking the rules that you complain about others breaking. What they did was wrong and if it were someone you were playing you would let them know how wrong it is!!!!! Be honest with yourself, if no one else!
very well said. Lawsuits to come………
I think you need a life, let it rest this is not pro ball it is HS.
Private schools do not have to abide by all of the OSSAA rules. For example, they are allowed to recruit players and offer scholarships and do not have to comply with the dual residency rule that was cited in this case, which. The dual residency rule is extremely vague so all of you who have second homes, lake homes, homes that were part of an inheritance, you need to file the appropriate paperwork. Also, if you are a move-in and buy a house in Guthrie, it does not guarantee eligibility for your child if your prior home is still on the market in this awful economy. Be sure to file the appropriate paperwork!
If Simek’s family decides to file for a temporary injunction, the playoffs could still be held up. The Simeks’ attorney said they would.
Read more:
So what the OSSAA is saying is that the anonymous letter was correct in its content.
Happy for the Guthrie players, not sure about the message this is sending, and can’t wait to see the responses from the schools and players who were not given this type of ruling in the past. As for all the “personal” attacks in the comment section, sounds like a lot of Guthrie pot calling Prague (and other) kettle black and vice versa. No class is no class, regardless of where you live. Grow up people.
I am so happy for the Guthrie High School Bluejay Football team, the students and our community for the recent decision. However I am very disappointed that we loose Coach Watkins fo eight gamesand one high school player that will miss the playoffs. The team is truly deserves the opportunity to play for a chance at the State Championship Title.
I really feel strongly that Terry Simpson is responsible for this situation and should be held accountable and not Coach Watkins. Terry Simpson is on the OSSAA Board of Directors and should have a better understanding about what is needed in this this situation. He should have had processes in place that protect our School District with proper checks and balances that make sure the needed paperwork is turned in to the correct people at the correct time. He is on the OSSAA Board of Directors and has taken on that responsibility to make sure that all schools abide by the rules set fourth by the governing body, and he can not even manage to keep our wonderful head coach and a high school player safe by making sure that we follow procedure. In business the buck stops at the top, and in my opinion, it should stop at Terry Simpson.
Well said, C. Thomas. We will have to see what the school board chooses to do in this situation.
Wait for the school board? Don’t hold your breath!!
@C. Thomas, I have to respectfully disagree with you about Coach Watkins. Isn’t he the Co-Athletic Director? He’s suppposed to know better. Also, this move had a lot of red flags to it. I think he could have also gotten in trouble for talking with Mr. Simek around Christmas about Clint going to Guthrie according to Mr. Simek’s testimony at the hearing.
When the Simek’s moved here, their house was empty and on the market, so there was no need to file dual residency paperwork. Four months later an adult family member moved into the house to maintain it while it was on the market. At that time, dual residency paperwork should have been filed; however, there was no crystal ball to disclose this information to the Coach and the parents were unaware of this rule.
Tonya…..regardless of whether or not the house was empty and for sale, the “Residence Affirmation Form” had to be completed. This was the basis for denying the players appeal today. The OSSAA website specifically states….. If a student enrolls as a bona-fide resident of a school district, but the family still owns, rents, or maintains a home in another school district, the Residence Affirmation Form must be completed.
@Tonya Hollenbeck Nichols, not trying to be snotty or anything here, but look at the OSSAA Rules online. There is no dual residency paperwork, there is a Residence Affirmation Form which must be signed after any move. It says to see Rule 8-2-b-5 which speaks about a bona fide move and not letting a family member occupy the house. It’s there as plain as day. No, it’s not the family’s job to know this. It IS the AD’s job (Co-AD Coach Watkins). If you are going to move your entire family for athletics with the numerous football forfeitures in the last several years, you had better dot your i’s and cross your t’s. It didn’t happen here or else Clint would still be playing.
It is my understanding that form is used for transfer students. Simek was a move-in, not a transfer student, last February. Again, the rules are vague, if they were clear, the OSSAA wouldn’t have lost the case against Kendal Davis or KJ Rucker, players deemed ineligible under a vague and obscure rule.
No, it is specifically for addressing legitimate bona fide moves. You can go to the website under the Eligibility tab and scroll down and look at this form. The Rule 8-2-b-5 it refers to can also be seen online under the OSSAA Info tab and select Rules from the right hand side. It may be vague for you and I, but for an administrator who’s job it is to ensure compliance, it is not.
The form must be filed ANYTIME a student changes residence, thereby changing the school they attend.
The rules are really not that vague. I’ve been through this process personally with my family, which is why I’m so surprised the correct paperwork was not completed.
The other form that must be completed by any student when they enroll in a new school is the OSSAA ELIGIBILITY RECORD FORM FOR NEW STUDENTS IN GRADES 7-12. The family’s answer to question #14 should have been a RED FLAG to the Guthrie administration that there were questions about this student’s elgibility. This form would have been signed by the student, the parent, the coach and an administrator.
Read the website??? Websites are EASILY changed. Shouldn’t the Coach (and the Superintendent who is his supervisor) be looking at the MANUAL that OSSAA provides them? This MANUAL allegedly does not mention this…so people have to check with what it says on the WEBSITE? You’ve GOT to be kidding! And we all KNOW that our School Board is wrapped around Simpson’s finger and they won’t even MENTION his role (or lack of supervision) in seeing that this was properly handled. They think the moon shines out his backside for some reason and give him a raise when they should be showing him the door. Watkins is playing the patsy in this…
Obviously, confusion abounds or we would not all be tapping our heads wondering how this could happen. I feel sorry for the Simek’s, who made a legitimate move to our community and couldn’t sell their house. Also, if this rule does not apply to private schools that are also OSSAA members, it will be pretty hard to make it stand up in court, if it goes that far.
**Okay, now we know what needs to happen next……the Guthrie High School Football Team needs to “Win One (the State Championship) For The Gipper”!!
This originated in American football. Knute Rockne was the coach of the US Notre Dame team in the 1920s and George Gipp was his star player. The story goes that Gipp fell ill and when dying he asked Rockne to promise that, when things were going badly for the team, he should inspire them by asking them to ‘win one for The Gipper’.
Ronald Reagan played the part of Gipp in the 1940 film Knute Rockne: All American. The screenplay has the line:
And the last thing he said to me, “Rock,” he said, “sometime when the team is up against it and the breaks are beating the boys, tell them to go out there with all they’ve got and win just one for the Gipper.
**Coach Watkins is still gonna be with those boys EVEN if he is not there physically on the field with them! I think those boys are gonna be fired up to WIN now!!
Here’s a problem with your comparison. Coach Watkins ain’t dyin’ and things ain’t going badly for the team. In fact, they have been given mercy and second life by the OSSAA and they are not an underdog!
I think both Mike and myself are just pointing out the forms are on the website for Tonya to see since she most likely doesn’t have a manual.
I cannot attest to what the manual says or does not say, but I do know the coach, the superintendent and the secretary at the new school my son attends knew there were multiple forms we needed to complete.
@ Mike, you are totally right. However, if they filed hardship paperwork last year, they wouldn’t have filled out that form. The form states not to be used in hardship cases. I don’t know what the family filed or didn’t file, but it’s all clear as mud to me. Simpson sits on the board so he could have clarified what needed to be done, but it doesn’t really matter now because Guthrie is in the playoffs, like they deserve to be.
Okay, Simpson is the superintendent. Is he made aware of every student that transfers into the district and is it his office that assures that the Residence Affirmation is completed? I guess i’m trying to figure out who is the responsible person. The Sup or the Coach. Wondering if Mr. Simpson was aware of the young man’s status as a residence of the town and student athlete. OR should the coach be responsible for not making sure proper paperwork was done. I’ll bet the Guthrie Public School System will have a new policy soon. Any student, regardless of whether you transfer or move to town, WILL be completing that statement whether it applies to them or not. Especially if you are going to play a sport. Gooluck Jays!!!!
From the OSSAA website, which puts the blame squarely on the school administration (coach, superintendent, and athletic director should ALL be perfectly aware of this rule already and know who is responsible…):
The school administrator designated by each local school district is responsible for OSSAA eligibility compliance, and Rule interpretation. Questions from parents regarding OSSAA eligibility rules and policies should be directed to local school administration.
Any student new to your school, participating for the first time, or entering the 7th or 9th grade must complete a New Student Form, prior to being allowed to participate at a member school. School Administrators may consult the OSSAA directly to inquire about eligibility requirements, or Rule interpretation upon completion of the New Student Form.
why have a new policy in effect? if they get caught again the coach will just watch on friday night and the kid will ineligible but they won’t have to forfeit their wins. New policy not needed
go jays
ruling is a joke. Coach, sup and parents all guilty. Coach sacrificed himself since they got caught. Simpson will be reminded of this ruling in the future when he votes against the next move in or transfer athlete.
man. y’all dont know when to quit
Word around prague confirms that it is known that a group of five authorized the letter to be sent. The “fab five” is a group of grizzled war lords that run the prague program. It was never meant to hurt Guthrie, the point was to get back at the Simeks, who by moving to guthrie have doomed their season to end with a first round playoff loss at kingfisher.
You are wrong Fab 5. It was I that masterminded the entire letter. You know I have a “LONG” standing in the public school setting.
I am at the airport waiting for my good friend Jerry Sandusky. I think I can get him off with a $400 fine and 10 years probation.
i rote tha letta
Back to my original point, Mr. Terry Simpson is currently on the OSSAA Board of Directors, and in this role it is his responsibility to rule on these types of issues for all Oklahoma Secondary Schools. My opinion as a Guthrie resident is that Mr. Simpson has not completed the needed task to insure that Guthrie School has complied with OSSAA regulations. He has not verified that we supply the correct paperwork for this issue and that the information flows to the proper personal at the OSSAA. If he had paid attention to detail this would not have been the issue it has become. For this reason I believe that Mr. Simpson is not performing his job to high enough standards. I do not see how he feels he can afford time away from his true role as the Key Administrator at the Guthrie School District to oversee other schools issues. I see that Coach Watkins is man enough to take the lumps with this mistake, it is a shame that our Superintendent isn’t.
if guthrie would have had a losing season, i wonder would any of this be taking place?