Conservation-minded students and private landowners recently received special recognition at the Logan County Conservation Awards Banquet held Thursday evening, April 13, at the county fairgrounds. The event was sponsored by InterBank, F&M Bank, BancFirst and Friends of Blue Thumb in cooperation with the Logan County Conservation District. Awards were given to individuals who have displayed exceptional efforts in conserving our natural resources.
The theme of the banquet corresponded with the NACD’s 2017 Stewardship Week theme, “Healthy Soil is Full of Life!” Special guests present were State Representative John Pfeiffer and Lisa Knauf Owen, assistant director of the Oklahoma Conservation Commission.
David Ball, director of the Logan County Conservation District served as master of ceremonies for the evening. Oklahoma Conservation Commission’s soil scientist, Greg Scott, presented a program about the importance of healthy soil in our lives.
The “Partners in Conservation” award was presented to F & M Bank and accepted by Jed Waggoner, Vice-President. The award is given annually to an individual, a business, or entity that has served as a partner for conservation by supporting the work of the conservation district in protecting and conserving our natural resources.
Students who took top honors in the 2016 area and state conservation poster contests were recognized for their accomplishments. Awards were also presented to the students who took top honors in the 2017 Logan County Conservation District sponsored poster, coloring, and essay contest. Nearly 250 students participated in this year’s event. The student awards were sponsored by Oklahoma AGCREDIT, Beck’s Farm Equipment, Logan County Farm Bureau, Friends of Blue Thumb, and the Logan County Conservation District.

Lane Winter, of Oklahoma AGCREDIT recognized Ally Carey, Central School, as an outstanding artist at the Logan County Banks Conservation Awards Banquet. The awards were sponsored by Logan County Farm Bureau, Oklahoma AGCREDIT, Beck’s Farm Equipment, Friends of Blue Thumb as well as the Logan County Conservation District. Nearly 250 students participated in this year’s conservation coloring, essay and poster contest

Roland Taylor (middle), director of the Logan County Conservation District presented the Partners in Conservation award to F & M Bank. The award was accepted by Jed Waggoner, Vice-President (left). The annual awards banquet was sponsored by F & M Bank, InterBank, and BankFirst. Chris Hopfer, chairman of the conservation district board looks on.
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