Logan County District 1: Coltrane and Simpson Lane projects continue

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Logan County District 1 Town Hall Meeting.  Our first town hall meeting will be held 7-9 pm Thursday, March 26th at the Oak Cliff Fire Station #2, 12037 South Santa Fe Avenue, Edmond, OK.  The object of this first meeting is to provide our residents with a better understanding of our county road and bridge budget and gain citizen input to help establish short and long term transportation projects for our part of the county.  Agenda topics will be: introduction to the county transportation budget, save & pave program, establishing a citizen budget & operations committee, Q&A.

County Commissioner District 1 Marven Goodman

County Commissioner District 1 Marven Goodman

We have now received the official “property of” placards and tag numbers to properly mark our district equipment on hand.  Next week we will begin this final action of our corrective action plan ensuring the equipment on hand is properly marked, numbered, and re-verified on the inventory list, certify the results and verified inventory via referendum to the board of commissioners.  This action is necessary to put our current inventory and accounting process back in compliance with state statutes and will be tracked to completion.

We have sent letters out to landowners which front Coltrane Rd. between Waterloo and Seward Roads about clearing the new right of way.  This week we visited each site that requires some building demolition or fence movement.  We have completed numbering and photographing each location needing attention.  Each property owner has the option of moving any fence or building on the right of way; or, they can allow the county to have it removed beginning next month.  We still have approximately $2.8 million funded through the County Improvements for Roads and Bridges (CIRB) available to continue clearing the right of way.  Due to the amount of work and money which has already been invested in the Coltrane project we believe our re-application to restore the ACOG funding has a good chance of being approved this year to finish the project mid-year 2017.

Along with the above Coltrane project, the Simpson Lane project continues.  The total funding for this project is approximately $675,000 to resurface Simpson Lane from Broadway to Coltrane.   Our engineering contractor will provide us a punch list of prep work needed and we plan to begin this work in the next few weeks.  Again, we project this project to finish the same time as the Coltrane project sometime mid-year 2017.

Spring cleaning is just around the corner.  Remember, we still have a solid waste collection site set up at the District 1 office, 2315 SW 19th St., Guthrie, OK. The collection site is for solid waste only. We cannot accept garbage of any kind, food or vegetation, hazardous materials, appliances containing Freon, rubber tires, paint or liquids. The dumpster is available to the public from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Mon. through Fri., except for holidays. We ask that you check in at the office before dumping. Please help us keep our roads and highways clean and safe.

Have a happy and safe weekend!


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