The following actions were filed in the District Court of Logan County on September 24, 2012.
Criminal Felony (CF)
CF-2012-328 State of Oklahoma v. Hathcock, Jimmy Daniel CF-2012-329 State of Oklahoma v. Skinner, Travis Brian CF-2012-330 State of Oklahoma v. Marcom, Lowell James Jr. CF-2012-331 State of Oklahoma v. Prior, Harry Reginald CF-2012-332 State of Oklahoma v. Hesterlee, Brett Allen CF-2012-333 State of Oklahoma v. Delos-Santos, Oscar Paul CF-2012-334 State of Oklahoma v. Martinez, Hector Miranda
Civil relief more than $10,000 (CJ)
CJ-2012-300 GE Money Bank vs. Janice Wilson
Criminal Misdemeanor (CM)
CM-2012-642 State of Oklahoma v. Rash, Terry Lynn CM-2012-643 State of Oklahoma v. Rodriquez, Elizabeth Ann CM-2012-644 State of Oklahoma v. Amend, Stephen Paul CM-2012-645 State of Oklahoma v. Thomason, Kari Lee CM-2012-646 State of Oklahoma v. Perez-santos, Constantino CM-2012-647 State of Oklahoma v. Rogers, Phillip Capice CM-2012-648 State of Oklahoma v. Taylor, Matthew Lee
Civil relief less than $10,000 (CS)
CS-2012-276 FIA Card Services, N.A. vs. Neal W. Vanwinkle CS-2012-277 LVNV Funding LLC vs. Courtney Daves CS-2012-278 Barclays Bank Delaware vs. Linda M. Copeland CS-2012-279 The Tucker Law Firm vs. Roebrt Poweshiek-Naifeh CS-2012-280 The Tucker Law Firm vs. Diane Wheeler
Family and Domestic (FD)
FD-2012-187 In Re the marriage of Kimberly D Baker v. David L Baker
Small Claims (SC)
SC-2012-443 Standard Credit Of Guthrie vs Kolten J. Anderson SC-2012-444 Standard Credit Corp. vs Ann Cates SC-2012-445 Standard Credit Corp. vs Colby Copass SC-2012-446 Standard Credit Of Guthrie vs Misty Cronister SC-2012-447 Standard Credit Corp. Vs Joseph Hickman SC-2012-448 Standard Credit Corp. vs Larenzo Lewis SC-2012-449 Standard Credit Of Guthrie vs Daisy Powell SC-2012-450 Standard Credit Of Guthrie vs Jennifer Vickman SC-2012-451 Brittany Sullins vs. Linette Santos SC-2012-452 Lazy E Ranch, L.L.C. vs. Louis Mendoza SC-2012-453 Lazy E. Ranch, L.L.C vs. Donna Perusse
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