A Midwest City man has been charged with two counts of manslaughter in Payne County after he crashed into a car killing two Guthrie school teachers in October. A trooper with the Oklahoma Highway Patrol says the man had a pipe and a package of K2 — a synthetic marijuana — inside his van.

School teachers Heather Wilson and Jennifer Briggs were killed in an early morning vehicle accident.
Rocky Steven Baca, 37, was travelling east in the westbound lane in a 2010 Dodge Grand Caravan on State Highway 33 (six miles west from Perkins) when he collided with another vehicle and killing Guthrie Public School teachers Jennifer Briggs, 24, and Heather Wilson, 27, at the scene.
Briggs, who graduated from Oklahoma State University last May, served as a seventh grade English teacher and was in her first year of teaching after student-teaching at the Junior High last year. Wilson, a 2009 graduate of Oklahoma State, taught eighth grade English at the school.
The teachers were carpooling to work from Stillwater. Related story: Junior High teachers killed in vehicle accident
In court papers, a trooper discovered a lunch box with Baca’s name scribed on the side and noticed a pipe and a package containing a green leafy substance while conducting an inventory of Baca’s caravan.
Baca was mediflighted to OU Medical Center and is when he told investigators he fell asleep and smoked the substance “Frankenstein” and had taken an over the counter sleep aid. Baca went on to say he woke up sometime between 3:30 and 4 a.m. and smoked some more before going to work.
According to Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigations, the lab reports a synthetic marijuana compound was found in the leafy substance as well as in Baca’s blood samples.
A warrant in the amount of $125,000 was issued on Wednesday for Baca’s arrest.
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