Oklahoma is now one of 15 states to enact an open carry gun law. The new law took effect today and will allow an estimated 141,000 Oklahomans with a license to carry a concealed firearm to also carry their weapons openly in a holster or belt.
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The law now permits those with state licenses to carry a gun to do so openly on hip or shoulder holsters visible to the public. Senate Bill 1733, was signed into law by Gov. Mary Fallin in May.
“I believe the law is consistent with the spirit of the Second Amendment and that similar laws in other states have shown that open carry can be implemented safely and responsibly. However, it is important that citizens, especially those that plan to openly carry firearms, understand and follow the law,” Fallin said.
The cost is $100 for a five-year permit or $200 for 10 years, along with up to $100 in processing fees.
Permits can be applied for through the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation for US citizens at least 21 years old or older and completes a firearms safety and training course.
According to OSBI spokeswoman Jessica Brown, the number of residents applying for a handgun permit has increased by about 40 percent.
There are 44 states that already allow open-carry in various forms.
Carrying a weapon openly or concealed is not allowed in:
• Any business that displays a sign prohibiting firearms.
• All city, state and federal buildings.
• All elementary and secondary school properties and on school buses.
• An establishment where alcohol is consumed if the sale of alcohol constitutes the establishment’s primary source of income.
• Any place where pari-mutuel wagering is authorized.
• Any sports arena during a professional sporting event.
• A meeting of almost any governmental entity or legislative body; any jail, prison or detention facility.
• Any place owned or leased by a city, state or federal government for the purpose of conducting public business.
• Any courthouse.
• Colleges, universities and technology centers, except where authorized.
• Any other place specifically prohibited by law.
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