Oklahoma law will require class before getting divorce with children

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Getting a divorce in Oklahoma will now take an extra step if minor children are involved. The couple will now have to go through an education program before being allowed to divorce. Getting a divorce was never going to be easy. With this being said, for some couples, they may find that this is the best route to go down, especially if they’ve tried everything else. If you are currently in this situation, it may be best to visit this site
and get in touch with a professional family law attorney who can hopefully lead you on the right track and get everything sorted when it comes to the legal side of it all.

divorceOn Wednesday, Gov. Mary Fallin signed a bill into law that will require married couples with children younger than 18 and who are seeking a divorce based on incompatibility to pay for and complete the educational program.

State Representative Jason Nelson and Senator Rob Standridge, both Republicans, sponsored the bill.

The class will cover six areas including the impact of divorce on the children.

The parents can attend together or separately, and will have to pay a minimum of $15 and a maximum of $60 to cover the cost. The course must be completed within 45 days of receiving a temporary order from the court.

A judge will have the option to grant a waiver for compelling circumstances.

The bill goes into effect on Nov. 1.

The state will keep track of how many divorces are dismissed after the parties take the course, as well as how many people take the classes and how many actually complete the course. But if this is something that you think will help your situation, doing some research into sites such as petersmay.com and speaking to professional lawyers may make all the difference. You want this to go as smoothly as possible, so it is worth a try.

In a 2011 study, NBC News found Oklahoma to have the highest divorce rate.

The report says, according to the Oklahoma Marriage Initiative, 32 percent of Oklahoma adults who have ever been married have been divorced. The association lists financial troubles as one of the leading causes of divorce in the state.


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