Plagg, Coburn sending hay bales, donations to wildfire victims in NW Oklahoma

The Oklahoma wildfires continue to burn in northwest Oklahoma. As firefighters work to contain the flames, ranchers in the area are trying to keep their cattle safe while still providing them despite charred land. Residents here in Logan County are doing their part for their fellow Oklahoman’s.

Wheeler Coburn and Hugh Plagg have been seeking donations of money and hay to help send aid to Oklahoma towns.

“What they are going through out there, it’s heartbreaking,” Wheeler Coburn told KOCO 5. “It tugs at your heartstrings. It makes you sick for them.”

According to one affected farmer, he has had a hard time keeping his cattle safe from the wildfires. One report indicates 200 head of cattle have died in the fire, resulting in an estimated of $200,000 in loss.

With his cattle spared from the flames, the farmer is searching for land that was not torched by the fires to feed his livestock.

Coburn and Hugh Plagg have collected 80 hay bales with the latest hay bales loaded and shipped on Tuesday morning.

Although they are leading the project, Coburn told Guthrie News Page that those who have donated money and time are the ones that have made this possible.

“This is the least we can do for those people,” Coburn said.

Coburn and Plagg are also asking for fencing supplies and money for the victims.

If you liked to make a donation to this cause contact Wheeler Coburn at  (405)-550-7294.

Click here to view the KOCO report on this article.


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