The Logan County Post Adjudication Review is looking for volunteers.
Chairwoman Katharine Hayes and Secretary Jan Brown are actively searching for individuals interested in becoming a child advocate for The Honorable Louis Duel.
Post Adjudication Review Boards of Oklahoma ensure the best interests of Deprived/Delinquent children are being met through external citizen review, to monitor the efforts of the children services programs and make recommendations for system improvement in order to enhance the management of individual children’s cases as well as the administration of the system. As a result, children will achieve safety, stability and permanency without undue delay; enjoy continuity of relationships; and have the opportunity to develop their full potential.
The Logan County PARB is composed of at least five volunteers (members) who live or work within the local judicial district. The volunteer board members have a desire to help our children create a brighter future for themselves. The volunteers are interviewed by the Logan County board, appointed by the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth through the recommendation of Judge Duel with the juvenile court. The primary responsibility of a PARB is to be an advocate for children who live within the local PARB’s judicial district.
In addition, the PARB reviews encourage interagency coordination and cooperation. Citizens who are accepted and pass a back ground check are required to serve a 3 year term, attend the once monthly board meeting; last Monday of the month, 12:00-4:30pm in Guthrie, and attend a yearly training session at the state level.
Applications inquires can be sent to
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