Rock the Block event at Peppers Ranch to raise money for abused and neglected children

Pepper’s Ranch is inviting the public for an afternoon of fun and excitement, and the opportunity to help abused and neglected children. On Saturday June 4, Pepper’s Ranch will conduct Rock the Block Party. Admission is free but attendees are encouraged to purchase tickets that spend like cash at the event. All money raised will benefit Pepper’s Ranch. 

Rock the Block Party is a family event being held on the beautiful 300 acre horse ranch at Peppers Ranch Foster Care Community, 3200 S. Western, near Guthrie, at 4:30 p.m. Tour the Community on foot or by shuttle, enjoy a free antique quilt show give-away and raffle, and live music.

For a $20 donation to Peppers you can test-drive the newest cars from John Vance Ford in their Charity Challenge. Attendees can also sample themed cuisines and enjoy fun games and activities provided by each of the community’s families for a nominal donation.

Reserve your spot today by emailing

Peppers Ranch Foster Care Community seeks to break the cycle of child abuse and neglect by providing loving families and services to Oklahoma DHS children.

Children entering the foster care system have many times been exposed to domestic violence, substance abuse and worse, by their parents and guardians. They often are the victims of neglect, emotional maltreatment, physical and sexual abuse. Also, they have been moved around frequently from their biological parents and within the foster care system. Without stability, they often experience social, emotional, developmental, and academic delays. Pepper’s Ranch was created to help them successfully overcome these challenges.

With so many deficits, it is difficult for foster parents to connect the children to all of the services they require to catch up to their same age peers. Due to the extensive time, money, effort and energy it takes to meet these special needs, many foster parents “burn out”, resulting in another move for the child in a potentially long history of instability. Each move further decreases the child’s chances to break the cycle of abuse and neglect. For more information or schedule a tour call (405) 919-9888.


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