Senate Minutes with Senator Chuck Hall

One of the best things about the interim is having the ability to attend so many great events here in the district. I’m very grateful for the opportunity to meet with private citizens, representatives of civic organizations, professional educators and others who serve in state and federal offices—these events and interactions help develop policies and proposed legislation to move our district and our state forward.

Throughout these past few weeks, my calendar was filled with such events. By now I think most schools are back for the fall semester.  It was a privilege to attend Guthrie Public School’s Convocation, marking the beginning of a new school year.  I wish all our students throughout the District 20 great success in the 2019-2020 school year.

I was very gratified to receive the Legislator of the Year award from the Oklahoma Sheriffs Association.  These men and women, their deputies and other staffers all work diligently to protect and serve the public.  It’s an honor to champion legislation that supports their mission.

It was also a privilege to attend a Town Hall meeting in Perry with U.S. Congressman Frank Lucas.  I applaud the work our congressional delegation does on Oklahoma’s behalf in Washington and am grateful we have strong communication with them about our needs back home.

I also attended an “Eggs and Issues” meeting in Perry with Representative Ty Burns.  It was great to visit with this group of engaged citizens.  These meetings help us formulate our legislative agenda for the upcoming session.

I’ve also been visiting with folks throughout District 20 about our county roads.  These are an important part of our local infrastructure, and though there is more to be done, I’m pleased we were able to restore resources for the county roads fund during the 2019 session, helping support the transportation needs of rural Oklahoma.

It was a real treat to get to attend the Pawnee Bill Wild West Show with my grandchildren this summer.  The grandkids got to pet horses, eat some delicious barbeque, and learn about our state’s western heritage.Another fun event was attending an OSU football practice with Governor Kevin Stitt and other members of the House and Senate. I also accompanied the Governor and other state officials on a tour of the Lazy E Arena, one of our district’s crown jewels.

Here at the Capitol, I’ve also been participating in meetings to continue our work creating the Legislative Office of Fiscal Transparency (LOFT).  As I mentioned before, I am one of three senators who have been appointed to draft the job description for the director of this new watchdog office.  When our work is completed, I believe this new office will quickly prove its value in helping us be the best stewards possible as we determine our budget and program priorities for years to come.

Thank you for the privilege of allowing me to be your voice in the Oklahoma Senate.  Please feel free to contact my Capitol office with any questions or concerns you may have about legislation or other issues impacting our state at 405.521.5628 or at [email protected].


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