Logan County Sheriff Damon Devereaux said vaccination surveyors have made their way into Logan County. On the same day, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) approved a resolution that calls for state elected officials to protect the privacy and liberties of county residents.
The commissioners voted 3-0 to approve the resolution that, in part, states state elected officials to protect the privacy and liberties of our County Residents from any unsolicited intrusions of their property to collect any information concerning our resident’s personal medical information by overreaching federal government bureaucrats. Related article: BOCC to consider resolution calling for state officials to protect privacy, liberty
The complete resolution is listed below this article.
During his public comments, Devereaux said he has learned the vaccination surveyors are inside the Guthrie city limits.
“From my understanding, when they get told that people are not interested, they leave the property without incident,” the sheriff said. “Hopefully, that will continue to be the case.”
Earlier this month, Devereaux informed citizens his deputies will remove any unwelcomed person(s) off their property when it comes to door-to-door vaccinations.
“A lot of people are concern about the possibility of this happening, I just want to put their minds at ease. Should this come to Logan County, our intent is to do what the citizens ask us to do.” Related article: Sheriff shares message to citizens on possible door-to-door vaccinations
Devereaux was uncertain if the surveyors were going to certain or specific homes.
“The thing that kinda scares me is they may have a list. That’s concerning.”
When asked about the specifics of the alleged list, Devereaux was uncertain what information the list may contain.
In a July 27 press briefing, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki spoke on the second round of funding for community-based groups through the Health Resources and Services Administration. The funding awarded $121 million in the American Rescue Plan funding to support the work of trusted community-based efforts to increase vaccinations in underserved communities.
“Another grantee in Oklahoma will reach rural communities, including Hispanic community members, and will recruit and train community health workers,” Psaki said.
Devereaux says he willing to visit with surveyors and collect more information.
“I would love to have the opportunity to sit down and visit with them to find out who they are representing or working for,” Devereaux said.
He added a license tag number was collected of one of the possible surveyors and that he was “looking into that.”
“If there is issues, contact the Sheriff’s Office so we can have a conversation with them,” the sheriff concluded with.

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