Sheriff’s Office partners with Leads Online for citizens to register property

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The Logan County Sheriff’s Office has partnered for some time with an on-line service called Leads Online. This allows law enforcement to trace property through pawn shops and check individuals who may be pawning stolen property. This is in addition to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), where the department can search or list stolen items, missing people, wanted people, etc. The key to both of these systems is a unique serial number, detailed descriptions, photographs, etc. Without these types of information law enforcement cannot prove that the item belongs to one person over another.

Sheriff's Command CenterFrequently, citizens will collect information like this for cars, trucks, boats, and other big ticket items and overlook smaller items in their home. Unfortunately it is frequently these items that are stolen in burglaries, larcenies, and destroyed by fires and floods.

Leads Online is now offering a service to private citizens allowing them to register their personal items, serial numbers, and unique identifiers and photos so that in the case of a property loss, the information is immediately available to law enforcement and back to the citizen for use in an insurance claim.


People call LeadsOnline every day. Some are victims of crime. Some want help with an Internet transaction gone bad. Others just like what we do and would love to see LeadsOnline serving their community.

While civilians cannot access LeadsOnline directly, and LeadsOnline personnel do not perform investigative functions.

How Leads Online can help

  • Find out about our Citizen Property Information System (ReportIt)
  • If you are a crime victim and you or your local law enforcement agency contacts us, they will provide access for the investigator working your case regardless of whether or not their agency subscribes to LeadsOnline. (You may call at (800) 311-2656 or e-mail us at and/or ask your detective to do the same.)
  • A detective using the system can find property in seconds, which is faster and more effective than walking the streets going from store to store looking for your belongings.

LeadsOnline is a source Logan County Sheriff’s Office has been utilizing for several years now.  The department has recovered thousands of dollars worth of stolen property from this source.

The Sheriff’s Office is not only able to help where the citizen has the proper information on their stolen property such as serial numbers.  When they take burglary reports it is essential that the victim has as much information as possible in order for us to help you get it back.  Descriptions such as “ Assorted Garage Tools”  or “Play Station” without serial numbers or markings does not assist well in finding your property.

Recently a victim was able to draw deputies to what her jewelry looked like with colors, that alone assisted us in finding her jewelry.  Most Pawn shops will not show their merchandise in their storage rooms to the victim which is needed for the best information available.

LeadsOnline has recently started a section on their website that can do just that.  Since Logan County is a member with LeadsOnline they will know exactly how to retrieve your information if it is stolen from you.  All that is required of you is to visit the site, set up a free account, never  a cost to you and start entering your property.

You can enter number of items, serial numbers, owner applied numbers (OAN, such as a welded number on the bottom of your trailer), colors, descriptions and even images can be uploaded of your item which is especially helpful in jewelry thefts.

This service will not only assist the department but yourself in the event of a fire, flood or other disaster as a printout can be obtained for your insurance company.

If your Local Law Enforcement does not subscribe to this service you can still use it and LeadsOnline will contact them in the event of a theft so they can provide the Investigators with the information.  So visit  and click on the Report It  section.

If you have further questions please feel free to contact our office and speak with an Investigator at 405-282-4100.


2 Comments on "Sheriff’s Office partners with Leads Online for citizens to register property"

  1. Charlie Johnson | February 10, 2013 at 8:42 am | Reply

    Don’t be fooled this is so the Guthrie Police Department will know what to steal from your home. Has anybody met our current crop of “officers”. We are supposed to trust them with a list of valuables in our homes? What a joke!

  2. Read the story. Leads online does not release the information to anyone until you ask them to do so. Also GPD does not use this service, only the Sheriff’s Office. If you have a gripe then bring it forward, but just to post this kind of crap against these officers only shows you have been in trouble before.

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