Shot fired off in Homeland parking lot

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The Guthrie Police Department is investigating a shooting that took place at a downtown grocery store on Thursday evening.

Shots FiredMoments before 7 p.m., witnesses say a subject fired a gun at individuals in the Homeland parking lot following a verbal dispute. After firing the shot, a male was seen immediately leaving in a truck.

Luckily, the shot missed the individuals in the parking lot.

A window was seen shattered, but no evidence was found that the bullet entered the store. Investigators found the bullet actually had ricochet, landed and stuck in one of the individuals blue jeans.

There were no injuries reported at the scene.

Investigators quickly made their way to the 500 block of E Washington to question an individual. The subject was taken to the police department for further questioning.

“He was cooperative,” Guthrie Police Chief Don Sweger said of the suspect.

“Due to the nature of the incident and the potential charges, the district attorney will have to review an affidavit to see if charges are warranted,” Sweger said.

Two guns were taken and in possession with law enforcement.

Two men involved in the case were arrested and jailed for local warrants.


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