Veterans Day is Friday, Nov. 11 and the American Legion Le Bron Post 58 will host a parade through downtown Guthrie beginning at 10 a.m. and culminating in a ceremony at Honor Park.
The Guthrie High School band will start the event off at the Golden Age nursing home at 9:30 a.m. with a performance for the veterans who reside there. The band will then be joined by the JROTC under the leadership of Army Senior Major Mick Fredrickson. There a parade will begin 10:15 a.m. and proceeded from the Territorial Museum down Oklahoma to First, south to Harrison and west to Honor Park. Veterans are invited to join the March and if unable to March, they are invited to be a part of the Ceremony at the park located at Harrison and Second.
Speakers at Honor Park will include Senior Major Fredrickson and Guthrie Mayor Steve Gentling, LeBron Post Commander LeRoy Barnes and others. After the ceremony a reception will be held at the American Legion Post located at First and Harrison. The public is welcome.
American Legion First Vice Commander Jerry Ball would like all area veterans to know that Guthrie is now a Military Order of the Purple Heart City. An honor of which we are all proud as we are one of five.
For additional information please contact either the Guthrie LeBron Post at 405-282-2589 or the VFW.
Thank you to all of those who have served, continue to serve and to their families.
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