Video: Horses take unexpected walk through downtown Guthrie

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It was a perfect Sunday morning for a walk through downtown Guthrie for two horses. Unfortunately, the horses did not have permission to escape their fenced in area.

HorsesA brown and paint horse made their way out of their pin on Highway 77 near the high school and made their way to the downtown area at the break of dawn on Sunday (see video below).

A Guthrie police officer monitored the horses while the owners and Animal Control could arrive.

The horses made their way toward the Guthrie library before going through a downtown alley and onto the brick roadway of Cleveland Ave. From there the two continued to walk down Cleveland Ave. and made their way through residential yards to Oklahoma Ave. Eventually, the horses ended their morning stroll at the Masonic Temple grounds where they stopped to graze on the grass.

A member of the animal shelter was able to gain control of the paint horse with sweet words and a bucket of feed. The brown horse was then shortly persuaded by the owner.

The horses never appeared to be dangerous at anytime toward people or property during their early morning walk through town.

They were escorted safely back home with an escort.


1 Comment on "Video: Horses take unexpected walk through downtown Guthrie"

  1. Maybe they just didn’t realize that the 89er Day Parade isn’t for several months…they are just practicing for the parade. Beautiful horses!

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