Volunteers report 100% retail tobacco compliance in Logan County

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Local volunteers in collaboration with PreventionWorkz, the Regional Prevention Resource center recently conducted tobacco “reward reminder visits” throughout Logan County.  The program, funded through the Oklahoma Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse services, is an educational campaign reminding retailers to check identifications to prevent underage sales. 

Guthrie News Page100 percent of the stores visited asked for identification from the youth volunteers.

“Keeping alcohol and tobacco out of the hands of underage youth is one of our primary initiatives.” Said Sean Byrne, PreventionWorkz Executive Director. “The fact that every single store visited asked for IDs is a great sign that retailers are aware of the consequences of selling to minors, and invested in protecting youth.”

Tobacco use is still the leading cause of preventable death in Oklahoma. It costs more than 6,000 Oklahomans their lives. It causes health problems, from heart disease and cancer to emphysema and other respiratory issues, not only for the smoker but also for family members and children exposed to second hand smoke.

PreventionWorkz collaborates with the Logan County Partnership coalition, comprised of dozens of local and state agencies, to assist tobacco prevention efforts in the county. “Each year more and more youth are getting addictive to tobacco products and anyway that we can make it harder for youth to access tobacco is a win for Logan County”   Stated Courtney McLemore, CX Nutrition and Fitness Coordinator for the Logan County Health Department.

For more information about the Logan County Partnership or other tobacco prevention efforts including tobacco cessation programs, contact Courtney McLemore at Courtneyt@health.ok.gov or at 405-282-3485.


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