‘89er Buttons are finding their way onto shirts and jackets (and into some button collections) this week as they have been released for public consumption.

‘89er Button Chair, Linda Harris and Steve Gentling , ‘89er Celebration Chairman, prepare to distribute the 2015 edition of the commemorative button.
Linda Harris, Button Coordinator, recently reflected on this year’s design, “We wanted to have a button that symbolized the ‘89er theme of “Pioneer Life” and we worked with Jarrett George at Red Dirt Graphics to come up with this design. We wanted a picture that reflected movement —- movement from the past to the present to the future. I think the button captures the wagon trains of the past and the vision that these pioneers had for their future. The brown toned larger button makes it somewhat unique compared to most of the other ‘89er buttons. We are pleased with the outcome!”
The buttons are available for $5 at all banks in Guthrie plus the Guthrie Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, there will be a few other outlets identified in the next weeks selling these commemorative collectibles.
Harris added, “Look for the “’89er Buttons Sold Here” sign in the windows.”
Steve Gentling, ‘89er Chairman added, “The button sales are a significant revenue generator for the committee and helps balance our $17,000 projected budget. It also helps keep you from being “arrested” during our “Jail House Rocks” program. The history of the buttons goes back almost to the beginning of Celebration here in Guthrie and there are quite a few collections around town. Actually, we have an inventory of older buttons going all the way back to the 60s for sale on your web page: www.89erdays.com. We have a limited amount of the buttons for sale so get them early!”
The ‘89er Celebration extends the full week of April 13-19 and includes window design and decorating contest in local merchants storefronts, a beard and mustache growing contest and a wonderful Chuck Wagon Feed and Auction on Tuesday. Wednesday a huge carnival comes to town and 70+ vendors line the streets of Guthrie. An “Old Timer” baseball game with period uniforms, equipment and rules is set for Thursday along with a special storytelling event and to bands performing at the American Legion Ballroom; the Guthrie High Jazz Band and the big band sounds of the Tinker Air Force High Flying Band.
Classic cars and motorcycles park up and down Oklahoma Ave on Friday; little ones race “big wheels”, the Elmer McCurdy Exhibit opens at the Territorial Museum and a super street dance are all scheduled for Friday. The Largest Parade in Oklahoma streams through Guthrie at noon on Saturday and the rodeo comes to town later in the day. A spectacular square dance at the Legion closes out the day. Sunday’s program starts with a number of church choirs performing in a family picnic environment and ends with some great Bluegrass music by Byron Berline and Kyle Dillingham. A full week of celebration with something for everyone. For more information check the web page: www.89erdays.com and Facebook under “89er Days”.
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