Broadway bridge construction detoured by weather

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We continue to get periodic calls at District 1 from people inquiring about when bridge construction on Broadway will be done. The answer is that the contractor has through February to complete the job.

Twelve concrete beams weighing 43,690 pounds each were delivered to the bridge construction site on Broadway in mid November. Photo Courtesy of

Twelve concrete beams weighing 43,690 pounds each were delivered to the bridge construction site on Broadway in mid November. Photo Courtesy of

We understand the desire of those who use Broadway frequently to have the road open again, especially since the detour route is unpaved. The irony is that not only has severe drought made maintenance on the detour challenging, but recent rainfall complicated the situation.

Ideally, to grade a road effectively, we need a certain amount of moisture in the soil. Without it, the washboards removed by grading re-appear within a day or two, making the effort almost meaningless.

During drought, an excessive amount of “fines,” or dust, move to the surface. Then, when we get a slow, gentle rainfall like the last we received, roadways turn to mush, creating a real hardship for those who travel them. A hard fast rain is actually preferable since water will run off quickly with less damage to the base.

Each of the road districts are facing issues created by extreme drought and will be sending out graders and gravel as best they can to improve conditions.

Mark SharptonThe good news is that progress is being made on Broadway bridge. On December 20, contractors poured the deck, then wrapped it in swaddling clothes over the Christmas holidays. The structure was thoroughly blanketed to protect the new concrete from frigid temperatures. Thermometers were installed to monitor highs and lows and heaters were installed beneath the bridge to maintain the steady warmth needed for the concrete to cure.

Karl, the ODOT inspector who is dependably on site to monitor the work, informed us that this week the blankets and plastic will be removed. The next stage will be to build the ramp to the bridge if the soil is not frozen. Asphalt work and striping will follow as soon as weather allows.

You are always welcome to call the District 1 shop if you have questions about this or other projects. Photo of Broadway Bridge available at


1 Comment on "Broadway bridge construction detoured by weather"

  1. Jesse Renaker | January 4, 2013 at 9:00 pm | Reply

    That road has been terrible for years it has been even worse since the county and city marked off what they will do and what they won’t the city and county should be ashamed of the detour and the half ass job they do on the road by putting gravel in spots and using 4inch gravel sham on you city and county road crews

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