Chamber Chat: Disaster Preparedness Seminar

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Hi there! The OSU Extension office sends out great monthly newsletters packed full of things to do in the county! This month they are celebrating 100 years of Extension. In honor of their Extension’s Centennial, there is a quilt block challenge open to the public. By simply filling out a registration form available from the County Extension Office and send in $15 entry fee, you will be mailed three fat quarters. Some fabric from all 3 fat quarters must be included in a 12 ½ inch finished block. Additional fabric may be included.

Chamber President Mary Coffin

Chamber President Mary Coffin

All block entries must be completed and postmarked by July 1. Blocks will be displayed at the State OCHE Meeting July 13-15. All block entries become property of Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service. June 24 they are having a “Creative Fair Projects” workshop. The lessons are in the educational building, anyone can attend and here are a list of projects they will be doing; Decorating with Canning Jars, Floral Arranging, Cookies 101 and Recycled Garments.

If you are a part of or familiar with the Cottonwood North Neighborhood Association they are looking for a few small service projects in their neighborhood.  They are also looking for capable volunteers and resources as well. Contact the chamber if you would like more information.

You’re invited to a free Disaster Preparedness Seminar, Monday May 19 at 7 p.m. at Poplar & Warner Church of Christ located at 320 N. Poplar in the fellowship building on Warner. Topics being discussed are what do I need to take when I must evacuate? What can I expect dealing with insurance companies? What can I expect in immediate assistance? How do I estimate temporary living expenses? The presenter is Joe Crawford, Disaster Preparedness Coordinator from Memorial Church of Christ in Edmond.

The Byron Berline Band will have a show this Friday evening at 7p.m. at the Double Stop Music Hall located at 121 E. Oklahoma. Tickets are $10 a person.

Congratulations to all those who Graduate this Friday at Jelsma Stadium!  Next week’s Chamber Coffee will be hosted by Edward Jones/Dan Newton at 1622 S. Division. Hope to see you there!


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