Hope your week is a super duper successful one!
Our Education and Workforce Team recently met. This team meets once a month at various schools. We only allow Guthrie Chamber Investors on this team. One of our big goals for this team is to match a BIG BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION with a school and then a small business/organization with every classroom.
As we move forward as a Chamber and look to raise the quality life in Guthrie via our Investors by growing our economy – we have to support our schools.
Here are some updates from Dr. Mike Simpson, Guthrie Public Schools Superintendent:
Regarding the current state of the bond:
- Roof at GUES is done
- Roof at Central is almost done
- Roof at Fogarty will be complete @ end of calendar year
- Money for the new school will be received August 2016Regarding the schools in general
- Smoothest school year start in Dr. Simpson’s memory
- Good sports year in the Fall
- Beginning testing time
- Academics
- ACT scores are up (while state average is down)
- More kids taking the ACT than before
- Elementary: our students are at about 100% of them passing the 3rd grade reading test.
- in spite of 60% free/reduced lunch rateWe are glad to have Alane Zannotti, Meridian Tech & Courtney Mclemore, Logan County Healthy Department, leading the way on this team. And a big shout out to these Chamber Investors for attending our first meeting: Eddie Lyons, Entrepreneur, Doug Ogle, Guthrie Public Schools, Mike Simpson, Guthrie Public Schools, Phil Nichols, Entrepreneur, Nikkiey Morton, Logan County Health Department, Wende Arnold, Mercy, Ruth Cavins, CASA, Jessica Zan, Mercy, Heady Coleman, Chamber CEO.
- T-Shirt Nerds
- Blue Belle Grill House
- Body Wise Therapies
- Linda Miller 1974
- Dr. Michael Chandler 1990
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